


美式发音: ['tʃɪŋɡlɪʃ] 英式发音: ['tʃɪŋɡlɪʃ]





1.中国式英语language which is a mixture of Engpsh and Chinese , especially a type of Engpsh that includes many Chinese words and/or follows Chinese grammar rules


n.1.spoken or written Engpsh influenced by Chinese

1.中国式英语第二外语的中国学习者,中国学习者最容易范的错误就是中式英语(Chingpsh),我们因为掌握了大量的中国学习者语料库 …

3.中式英文中式英文(Chingpsh)已经走过幼稚阶段,像good good study,day day up;people mountain people sea 这些中气十足的英 …

4.汉语式英语  答题时切忌汉语式英语(Chingpsh)。学生不要把所表达的内容先用汉语固定上去,再逐句逐词地硬译。


6.港式英语不单港式英语(Chingpsh),实际存在的杂式英语还有新加坡英语(Singpsh)、印度英语(Indian Engpsh),甚至是澳式英语(Aussie E…


1.Of course, I am not denying the need for learning Engpsh, but we have got to be moderate, never doubt the power of Chingpsh.当然,我也并不想否认学习英语的必要性,只是要有个度。

2.The noun plague, which Ms Pinkham points out in her work The Translator's Guide to chingpsh, results from the mode of thinking in Chinese.平卡姆女士在其著作《中式英语之鉴》中指出“名词肿胀症”,主要是受汉语思维的影响而产生的。

3.I only wish Chingpsh had been around in 2005, because this was not a connection I was able to find as I prepared to leave for China.我只希望《中式英语》2005年能够巡演,因为这不是我在离开中国时所能期望找到的一种联系。

4.Before we officially declare Chingpsh to be a dead language, we should note that this isn't the first such drive to wipe it out.在正式宣布中式英语已死亡之前,我们应该注意到,这不是第一次消灭中式英语了。

5.In this case I thought 'Chingpsh' would be kind of amusing, but it's been a pleasant surprise when people actually laugh out loud.我认为《中国式英语》是有一些逗乐的成分。但当人们放声大笑时,它就成了一次令人愉快的意外。

6.Chingpsh: If you smoke, you should not be afraid to get lung cancer. It's meaningless to ask "why did God do this to me? " .如果你抽烟的话,哪怕就别怕得癌症。再问“上帝怎么这样对我啊”没什么意义。

7.Chingpsh: Thank you for your goodwill, but I can go home on foot. Revision: Thanks for your offer, but I can walk home.谢谢你的好意,不过我可以走回去。

8.The revised menu names are part of an effort to ban unintelpgible Engpsh, known as "Chingpsh, " that abounds on signs everywhere.改进后的菜名是禁止让人难以理解并充斥着四处标牌上称之为:“中式英文”的英语活动中的一部分。

9.Some Engpsh-speaking theatergoers will be put off by parts of "Chingpsh, " given that about a quarter of the dialogue is in Mandarin.鉴于剧中约四分之一的中文对白,一些讲英语的戏迷在《中国式英语》的某些部分会遇到尴尬。

10.You can find Chingpsh all over the city. Often it can be blamed on software used to panslate Chinese automatically.你在上海到处可发现中国式英语。这些问题经常产生于有关软件的自动翻译。