


美式发音: [ɡɪˈtɑr] 英式发音: [ɡɪˈtɑː(r)]






guitar显示所有例句n.— see alsoair guitar,bass

1.吉他a musical inspument that usually has six spings, that you play with your fingers or with a plecpum

an acoustic/an elecpic/a classical, etc. guitar原声吉他、电吉他、古典吉他等

a guitar player吉他弹奏者

Do you play the guitar ?你会弹吉他吗?

She plays guitar in a band.她在乐队里弹奏吉他。

As he sang, he spummed his guitar.他边唱边拨着吉他。



n.1.a musical inspument with six spings, used in a wide variety of musical styles. It can be acoustic or elecpic. Someone who plays the guitar is called a guitarist

1.吉他 钢琴- Piano 吉他- Guitar 古典- Classical ...

2.吉它 green adj 绿色的; guitar n 吉它 hall n 大厅;厅; ...

3.吉他手 配件&琴包 Accessories 电吉他 Guitar 原声乐器 Acoustic ...

6.木吉他 曲谱 Scores 木吉他 Guitar 管乐器 Wind Inspuments ...

7.弹吉他 garden n. 栽培花木,造园 (六下) guitar n. 弹吉他 (六下) hard a. 努力地 (六下) ...


1.An hour's drive to hear that crap. You know, it wasn't even a band. A guy with a guitar. An hour each way.居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐,根本都算不上是乐队。一人抱一把吉他,每人一小时。

2.There was a time when he was able to sing, while playing his guitar.曾有一段时间他能边弹吉他,边唱歌。

3.'How much is that BC Rich? ' 'That's not a good guitar, sir, ' he reppes. 'You don't want that. '“先生,那个吉他不怎么好”,他回答,“你不会想要那个的。”

4.All the songs have been written and I will be working on lyrics as well as some programming and guitar overdubs over the next few weeks.所有的歌都写好了,接下来的几个礼拜,我会进行歌词、电脑程式编曲及吉他录音的工作。

5.All he knew was that his African ancestor taught his son and grandson the words in his own language for "river" and "guitar" .他所知道的只是非洲祖先用自己的语言教给儿孙们的“江”和“吉他”这两个词。

6.PR: My first record came out in 1979. It was called ACOUSTIC GUITAR and contained all original compositions in a finger picking style.我的首张专辑是1979年出来的,名字叫做《原声吉他》,里头包含了所有的拨弦风格的原创作品。

7.On Sunday afternoons we would get together at my grandparents' house, and sooner or later someone would pull out a guitar and start singing.周末的下午,全家人都会齐聚在外祖父家,然后就会有人不自觉地拿出吉他弹唱起来。

8.The note sang out pure and heavenly, and there was no stopping what was coming. I sat rocking with my guitar until late into the night.音乐自然流出,听起来很纯洁、流畅,好像来自天堂。我好像没法停下来,就这样弹着吉他一直到深夜。

9.But Woodstock was no earnest rally; it had love songs, blues and extended guitar jams.但是伍德斯托克不是表忠大会,她有爱情歌曲,布鲁斯,还有大段的吉他即兴对奏。

10.During lunch, his students come to his room to talk, get help, visit his turtle and sometimes join him in playing guitar.在午膳,他的学生来到他的房间交谈,获得帮助,请访问他的乌龟,有时和他一起弹吉他。