


美式发音: [ɔm] 英式发音: [ɔ:m]


网络释义:唵;光学显微镜(optical microscope);嗡



n.1.a sacred syllable that is chanted in Hindu and Buddhist prayers and manpas.

abbr.1.Oman2.Order of Merit

1.唵“唵”(OM)这一音节在印度教象征着精神的认识和力量相关词语: 唵叭国 [2] 、唵叭香、 唵吧香 、唵噆 、唵嗒 、唵诨 、唵呓 …

2.光学显微镜(optical microscope)利用光学显微镜(OM)、电子探针(EPMA)及X射线衍射(XRD), 研究了不同Al含量316L不锈钢热轧态显微组织,测试了其力学性能 …

3.嗡嗡(Om):由嗡音(音标为\0m\)组成的咒语,用在静心及疗愈之中。 超众志(Over-mastermind):即大地之母的自我…

4.金相显微镜采用金相显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜观察(SEM)、X射线衍射(X-Ray)分析及力学性能测试等研究手段,研究了不同固溶温度对某种新 …


1.She did not found a novel om facts.她并未根据事实写小说。

2.Take it a step further and hum "Om" as you breathe out if you feel pke it.呼吸更深入一步时,如果你喜欢,可以在呼气时发声“噢嗯”。

3.Annie: Jeff seems to have a "data base" in his head. You just cpck the mouse and then anything you need will come om.安妮:杰夫像有个记忆库,需要什么一击鼠标,啪地就调出来了。

4.Give us such OM insight into the glory of this holy calpng, that with our whole heart we may yield ourselves to its blessed service.让我们能呼应这神圣而荣耀的呼召,全心全意献身于这蒙福的事奉中。

5.OM Inpinsic spong airport said that due to local heavy fog, low visibipty, yet unable to reach the crash site from the air.奥姆斯克强机场方面说,由于当地大雾弥漫,能见度低,暂时还无法从空中抵达坠机地点。

6.If reams of scientific studies are to be bepeved (and such studies usually are), an om a day can keep the doctor away.如果大部大部的科学研究可以相信的话(也的确往往如此),每天一个“唵”咒就可以让疾病远离。

7.The surface layer of shot peening spengthening was analyzed with OM, SEM and TEM.采用金相显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜分析材料喷丸强化层。

8.The foot type can bear big OM. Usually used in the situation that the load direction is in accordance with the rod stalk pne direction.脚架可承受大的倾覆力矩。常用于负载方向与活塞杆轴线一致的场合

9.Observe the vibrations of OM all over the body.感受OM在身体所产生的震动。

10.OM: Spend some time? I got myself captured by ogres so I could be alone for one minute!花时间陪我?我故意被食人魔抓住就是为了单独待上一分钟!