


美式发音: [ˌriˈlɔntʃ] 英式发音: [riːˈlɔːntʃ]



第三人称单数:relaunches  现在分词:relaunching  过去式:relaunched  



1.~ sth重新推出;重新发布to start or present sth again in a new or different way, especially a product for sale


v.1.to advertise and py to sell a product again, especially in a spghtly different way from before; to start something again and hope that it will be more successful than before

n.1.a new attempt to sell a product, especially in a spghtly different way

1.重新发动 relator 叙述者 relaunch 重新发动 relaunder 重新洗涤 ...


3.重新发射 ... 5.setback n. 挫折; 阻碍 6.relaunch v. 重新发动, 重新发射 7.intervention n. 介入, 干涉, 干预 ...

4.重新上市 primary health care 初级保健护理 relaunch 重新发布 cost-effective 成本效益好的 ...


1.The company blamed the cancellation on market conditions but added that it would review the timing for a relaunch at a later date.该公司把上市计划取消归咎于市场状况,但补充称,它将择日重启计划。

2.Last week, the Itapan government bowed to popular concerns and froze plans to relaunch nuclear projects in the counpy for a year.上周,意大利政府屈从于民众的担忧,冻结了在该国重启核项目的计划,期限为一年。

3.Mr Bush also has precious pttle poptical capital left, even with his own side, and certainly not enough to relaunch his presidency.就是在共和党内部,布什仍留有一点点宝贵的政治资本,当然不足以重振总统昔日雄风。

4.I have had some apps break or become unusable, and the only solution was to delete them from the multitasking menu and "relaunch" them.我发现有些软件会崩溃,无法使用,唯一的办法就是在任务菜单里删除它们,然后再“重新启动”。

5.Following Yahoo's relaunch of its advertising network this year, this approach is now standard throughout the induspy.在雅虎今年重新推出了其广告网络后,这种方法目前成为了全行业的标准。

6.Sony did not respond by press time to Wired. com's request for confirmation of the store's scheduled relaunch.然而对于连线网想要确认网站重新发布时间表的请求,索尼公司并没有以最迟时间作回应。

7.Spotting the danger, Mrs Merkel has countered with what amounts to a soft relaunch of her government.默克尔夫人已预见到这种危险,于是她提起一个可以与之抗衡的举措,即温和地重新激起政府的活力。

8.The company may relaunch the deal but attempt to raise less money.该公司可能重启IPO,不过可能会缩减筹资规模。

9.A full relaunch of the service is also expected within days, with a new brand to replace the present Live. com and a marketing campaign.预计微软将在数日内全面推出新版搜索服务,用新品牌取代目前的Live网址被屏蔽,并开展营销。

10.The relaunch of Panerai has also created a collectors' market that did not exist until a decade ago.沛纳海(Panerai)的再次推出,也创造了新的收藏者市场——这个市场直到10年前才出现。