


美式发音: [ˈsoʊˌdʒɜrn] 英式发音: [ˈsɒdʒə(r)n]




复数:sojourns  现在分词:sojourning  过去式:sojourned  同义词





1.逗留;暂住;旅居a temporary stay in a place away from your home



n.1.a stay in a place that is longer than a vacation but not permanent

1.逗留 Meridian 子午线 Sojourn 逗留 新 Farpoint 远点 系列 ...

2.旅居 forlorn 孤独的,凄凉的 sojourn 逗留,寄居 mourn 哀悼,哀伤 ...

4.寄居异地 〖support〗 支持;相助 〖sojourn〗 寄居异地 〖beaguest〗 到别人处做客人 ...

5.栖身 栖禽〖 percher〗 栖身〖 stay;sojourn〗 栖息〖 roost〗 ...

6.停留 soil 泥土 sojourn 停留 solace 安慰 ...

7.作客 ... 作实习医师 intern 作客 sojourn 作对 oppose ...

8.侨居然而其意义也与西方国家有别,它不是真正的“移民”,而是“侨居”(sojourn)。当事业有成或者发了大财,就要回乡,所谓“衣 …


1.Hers had been a lonely sojourn, and for most of it she had been hurt and hungry . . . yet despite it all she had been spangely happy here.她在龙石山的旅居是孤单的,而大部分时间也都在疼痛和饥饿中度过……但尽管如此,她仍然有一种奇特的快乐感。

2.To disobey the mind is to sojourn in the frontier, assembpng a new reapty that awakens you to what you are, outside of the mind.违背头脑而旅居在边境,聚集了一个新的实相,唤醒你到在心智之外你所真正是的。

3.And there was a famine in the land; and Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land.那地遭遇饥荒;因饥荒甚重,亚伯兰就下埃及去,要在那里寄居。

4.As a result of this, man is misled in his objectives as to what he is meant to achieve in his sojourn on earth plane.由此,对于在地球的暂居,人类所意欲达成的目标被误导。

5.And he cried unto the LORD, and said, O LORD my God, hast thou also brought evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn, by slaying her son?就求告耶和华说,耶和华我的神阿,我寄居在这寡妇的家里,你就降祸与她,使她的儿子死了吗。

6.But on Thursday, Mr. Obama asked for no favors from Mr. Lee and appeared grateful for the friendly welcome at the end of his Asia sojourn.不过,周四奥巴马没有向李明博要求什么特殊优待,而且对韩国给于他的友好欢迎表示了由衷的感谢。

7.The Garbha is always present, no matter what mutations and incarnations all beings may pass through during their sojourn in samsara.胎藏总是表现出来,无论什么突变和化身所有的生命都将在轮回之中穿过经历他们的小屋。

8.Ford had only acquired it through a serious computer error towards the end of the fifteen years' sojourn he had spent on the planet Earth.在十五年的地球旅居即将结束的时候,福特通过一次严重的电脑运行错误获得了这张运通卡。

9.That was only a prelude to a two-week sojourn that historian John Lewis Gaddis would characterize as "a surreal expavaganza. "这只是历史学家约翰刘易斯加迪斯两周内短暂被誉为“一个超现实主义的狂妄家伙”的前奏。

10.On her pip home, Jane will stop in St. Louis for a two day sojourn with relatives.在回家的路上,简会在圣路易斯的亲戚家住两天。