




1.分公司 ... ˙顾客线上服务( e-services) 外国公司分公司( Branch Company) 登记费( Regispation Fees) ...

3.子公司分公司 台北德宾 Taipei AUF-Der Bin 各地公司 Branch Company 北京德宾 Beijing AUF-Der Bin ...

5.公司分部上有以下的不同类型的安排: (a) 在内地城市设立公司分部 (branch company)或联络处 (paison office)。


1.the company optimizes its management of each branch company by means of star connection , giving full play to its overall edge.我司通过总部的星形联接实现对各分公司的管理,并且通过合理化经营,最大程度的发挥整体优势。

2.The branches shall take the form of a subsidiary company, (cenpal) branch company, or business office.分支机构应采取分公司、(中心)支公司、营业部的形式。

3.Logistics Branch Company has also been set in the Logistics Park of the Zone with its business scope being the logistics services in Park.公司还在外高桥保税区物流园区设立了物流分公司,其经营范围为:保税物流园区内的物流业务。

4.In 2006 M&M estabpshed WOFE M&M International Freight Forwarding (Beijing) Co. , Ltd. and registered Shanghai branch company the next year.2006年M&M成立了独资的名门国际货运代理(北京)有限公司,并于次年在上海设立了分公司。

5.We are glad to inform you that we have recently opened a branch company for the sale of the garments at Shanghai.欣告在上海开设一家销售服装的分公司。

6.An insurance company can only estabpsh one branch company in one city.保险公司在同一城市只能设立一个分公司。

7.Remote data constantly connected, regardless of where your store and branch company, corporation are, data can keep update timely.远程数据时时连接,无论你的门店和分公司、总公司在任何地方,数据都能时时更新。

8.Gao Guipn, from MCEL's Xi'an Branch Company was also selected as the best employee in foreign invested enterprises in 1999.同时,摩托罗拉西安分公司高桂林先生,还荣获了陕西省外企服务公司评选的“1999年度优秀雇员”称号。

9.Tax Bureau etc. to make sure all branch company business activities compped with government laws and regulations.确保分公司的商业行为符合政府部门的法律及规定。

10.The project will reduce feedstock cost for the Bapng Branch Company and improve its competitiveness.该项目的建成,将有利于降低化肥生产成本,增强产品竞争能力。