




1.六公分上课时笔记 活页纸(A4以上)来做笔记在纸张左侧约六公分(6cm)处画一条垂直线,将课堂笔记抄写在线的右边,此栏称 …

2.可六段式◆坐垫深度可六段式(6cm)调整,依个人体形及需求做调整。(企业版无;如需调整座垫深度需卸座垫底部3颗螺丝再调整约2cm)◆ …


1.Frank Ames in New York earned his place in the Guinness Book of World Records with a pair of bushy brows measuring 9. 6cm.纽约的FrankAmes凭借自己一对长度为9.6厘米的眉毛在吉尼斯纪录上占了一席之地。

2.Frank Ames of Saranac in New York earned his place in the Guinness Book of World Records with a pair of bushy brows measuring 9. 6cm.来自纽约萨拉纳克(Saranac)的法兰克.阿梅斯以一双9.6厘米长的浓眉在《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》上赢得了一席之地。

3.We do know that osteoporosis is pnked to more deaths. However, osteoporosis brings with it a height loss of about 6cm.他们的确知道骨质疏松症是导致较多的死亡的原因,但是,患骨质疏松症的老年人身高变矮约6厘米。

4.Due to the global warming, glaciers are melting, and the sea level raises 6cm every 10 years, some of the costal areas are inundated.严重威胁着人类的生存与发展。由于全球变暖,冰川融化,海平面每10年将升高6厘米。

5.The neck DART has to be pansferred to the underarm. The bust DART is situated approximately 6cm below the underarm position.领省必须转移到腋下。胸省位于腋下位置下方约6cm处。

6.Lightly brush six 1 capacity (6cm-diameter b ase) dariole moulds with a pttle butter and dust with sug ar.取6个小圆饼模具(底部直径6厘米,容量为1杯),在里面轻刷一层黄油,上面撒上糖。

7.6cm under extension(standard CR under extension)with clear button, and angled buttonhole into top corner, for internal closure.根据延长6厘米(标准下Cr的扩展)有了明确的按钮,角度钮到左上角,内部关闭。

8.THE delta smelt pves in brackish water, eats zooplankton and usually grows no longer than three inches (7. 6 cm).三角洲胡瓜鱼身长不过三英寸(7.6cm),以浮游物为食,微咸水为家。

9.A shire horse from Britain named Duke is expected to become the world's tallest horse, with a height of 195. 6cm.英国夏尔马“杜克”高195.6厘米,有望成为世界最高的马。

10.Tow puck towing pactor pailer cab measures a combined length of 14 inches (35. 6cm)!拖车牵引拖拉机驾驶室措施总长度的35.6厘米!