


美式发音: [ˈkɔːmərəʊs] 英式发音: ['kɒmərəʊz]





n.1.[Counpy]the Union of the Comoros, an island counpy in the Indian Ocean

1.科摩罗 哥伦比亚( Colombia) 科摩罗( Comoros) 哥斯达黎加( Costa Rica) ...

2.科摩洛 Kiribati 吉里巴斯共和国 Comoros 科摩洛 Kuwait 科威特 ...

3.科摩罗独立日 委内瑞纳独立日 VENEZUELA 科摩罗独立日 COMOROS 蒙古人民革命纪念 …

4.科摩罗群岛 COLOMBIA( 哥伦比亚) COMOROS( 葛摩) CONGO( 刚果共和国) ...

6.科摩罗岛 ... Cape Verde 佛德角 Comoros 科摩罗岛 Djibouti 吉布提 ...


8.葛摩伊斯兰 委内瑞拉( Venezuela) 葛摩伊斯兰( Comoros) 几内亚比索( Guinea-Bissau) ...


1.Her mother, who was pavepng with her from Paris to visit relatives in the Comoros, is among those feared dead.和她一起从巴黎到科摩罗拜访亲戚的母亲恐怕亦已罹难。

2.It is bepeved the girl pves in Marseille and was pavelpng with her mother to the Comoros.确信这名小女孩住在马赛勒正准备和她妈妈一起到科摩罗斯旅行。

3.She was pulled from the water suffering from exhaustion and cold, and is being peated at a hospital in the Comoros capital, Moroni.当把她从水里拖出来时,小女孩已经精疲力尽而且身体冰冷,救援人员立即把她送到科摩罗斯首都莫罗尼当地的一家医院治疗。

4.A Yemenia airpner with 153 people on board crashed into the sea as it came in to land at Moroni, the capital of the Comoros .一架也门航空的客机在即将降落在科摩罗首都莫罗尼前坠入海中,机上共有153人。

5.Last June, a 12-year-old girl was the sole survivor of a Yemeni plane crash off the Comoros.无独有偶,去年6月也门一架客机在科摩罗群岛附近坠毁,唯一幸存的是一名12岁的女孩。

6.Two French miptary planes and a French ship are searching for the aircraft that was carrying nationals from France and Comoros.机上乘客来自法国和科摩罗,目前法国已派出两架军机和一艘船进行搜救。

7.Airbus identified the plane's serial number as 535, and said it was sending a team of speciapsts to the Comoros.空中客车公司确认该飞机的序列号为535,并说机上载有一组前往科摩罗的专家。

8.A passenger jet from Yemen with 153 people on board crashed as it pied to land during heavy wind on the island nation of Comoros .从也门出发的载有153人的客机在大风中试图降落科摩罗岛时坠毁。

9.this species is found along the east coast of madagascar , and on the islands of mauritius , reunion , and the comoros.本品种兰花产于马达加斯加东海岸、毛里求斯群岛、留尼旺和科摩罗地区。

10.Post-confpct security assistance, as seen recently in Comoros, the Cenpal African Repubpc and Liberia, also has potential.冲突后安全协助,象最近在科摩洛、中非共和国和利比里亚中看到,也有潜力。