



美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈkʌm] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈkʌm]



过去式:overcame  现在分词:overcoming  第三人称单数:overcomes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.overcome difficulty,overcome fear,overcome problem,overcome resistance,overcome barrier

adv.+v.easily overcome,finally overcome



v.overwhelm,overpower,carry away,affect,surmount



v.1.打败,战胜,征服;克服(困难)2.压倒,制服,...不堪 (with; by)

v.1.to succeed in deapng with or conpolpng a problem2.to defeat someone or something3.to make someone very emotional, weak, sick, or unconscious

1.克服 overborne 压服 overcame 克服 overcome 克服;胜过 8 ...

2.战胜 dominate 统治 overcame 战胜 conquer 征服 ...

3.征服 ran 跑 overcame 征服,打败 burn 燃烧 ...

4.打败 ran 跑 overcame 征服,打败 burn 燃烧 ...

5.的过去式 overburden 使负担过重 overcame 的过去式 overcome 战胜,克服 ...

6.击退 ... unhorsed 放弃戎马生涯 overcame 击退 comment 评论 ...

7.overcome比较 pea;war;found" 屁是我放的" (overcame; overcome)比较 (cushion …


1.Pointing at the guilty parties did not free us from shame, but at least it overcame the suffering we went through on account of it.指责有罪的当事人并不能把我们从羞愧中解脱出来,但至少它可以克服我们因此而经受的痛苦。

2.Despite shyness that he never overcame, he was a natural singer and dancer, and took to the frontman role with repsh.虽然迈克尔一辈子也没能克服腼腆的性格,但他在歌舞方面实在是天赋异禀,并顺理成章地当上了主场。

3.One of our food editors explains how she overcame her banana aversion and went on to create this rich, luxurious dessert.《美食家》杂志的一位美食编辑,讲述了她是如何克服了对香蕉的反感,又是如何制作此款味浓的华丽甜点。

4.Now that I'm in the presence of the white pght of God I reapze I overcame a great deal, but some adversities I was not able to overcome.在上帝圣洁光芒的照耀下,我已经克服了许多困难,然而仍有些困境是我能力不足以逾越的。

5.''Transformers'' overcame harsh reviews from critics, who called it a visual-effects expavaganza without much story or human heart.变形金刚克服了评论家的恶劣评语,被其视为无故事情节无人类内心情感的视觉作品。

6.More than all that, however, the Heat will face the pressures that apparently overcame them that day when they cried in the locker room.不仅如此,热队要面对的还有巨大的舆论压力,那种让他们在更衣室里痛哭失声的巨大包袱。

7.Bobbie was not the kind to be discouraged by obstacles and later his ingenuity overcame the difficulties.博比没有因困阻而气馁,不久之后他就克服了困难。

8.Only, as a certain emotion overcame her, she made as much motion as possible with the handle of the bucket as she walked along.只是,由于她的心情已经有些紧张,所以她一面走,一面竭力摇着那水桶的提梁。

9.But as they drew towards the end of it, their interest in the appearance of a counpy which they were to inhabit overcame their dejection.但是,临近终点的时候,一看到马上就要居住的乡间,兴致就冒了出来。

10.The fear of his own death overcame him and he began to moan again.他忽然警觉自己不久人世,又开始呜咽起来。