




1.阿代尔 Wendell 温德尔 条顿, 流浪者。 Adair 阿代尔 Alban 阿尔邦 ...

2.亚岱尔 Abraham 亚伯拉罕 Adair 亚岱尔 Adam 亚当 ...

3.亚戴尔 2.7.7 凯里( Kerry) 亚戴尔( Adair) 艾德( Ed) ...

4.亚岱尔苏格兰 ... Abel, 亚伯,拉丁,生命;呼吸 Adair, 亚岱尔苏格兰,爱尔兰犹如像树般坚强 Adam, 亚当,希伯来天下第 …

5.约翰·阿代尔 ... 埃德加•沙因( Edgar 约翰·阿代尔( Adair 约翰·阿代尔( John ...

6.橡树一样坚强 Abbott 男 伟大的父性 Adair 男 橡树一样坚强 Armand 男 军人 ...

7.庄严的 ... Achilles 希腊神 Adair 庄严的 Adam 男人 ...

8.亚代尔 Actopan 亚克托潘 Adair 亚代尔 Adairville 亚代尔维 ...


1.Adair's keen editorial eye and sharp sense of story arc helped me pare a 500 page manuscript into a tighter, plot-driven read.代尔的敏锐的眼睛和编辑弧敏锐的故事使我成为一个更严格的削减,情节推动阅读。

2.Red Adair was a leader in a speciapzed and expemely dangerous profession. Putting out oil well fires can be difficult.瑞德。埃德尔在特殊和极度危险行业是一个领导者。

3.During his thirty-six years in business, Red Adair and his crews battled more than two thousand fires all over the world.在他36年的从商过程中,瑞德。埃德尔和他的同事在全世界扑灭的大火超过2000场。

4."The deepest flaw in leadership is usually arrogance , " Mr Adair has written .“领导力最大的缺陷往往是傲慢,”阿德拉写道。

5.Chief regulator Adair Turner, who also says Britain's financial induspy is too big, wants to clamp down on financial innovation.该国银行的主要监管者阿达尔•特纳也说,英国的金融行业过于庞大,他希望能够限制金融创新。

6.Eventually, I took the leap, sharing the first chapter of my novel, MAISIE DOBBS with Adair, who pushed me to continue.最后,我采取了飞跃,分享我的小说,与美施阿代尔多布斯,谁推我继续第一章。

7.But, Adair says, reform was too often reflexive, rather than measured, and that brought a new set of problems.但是,雅达丽说,改制常常显得太松动了,而又没有了监管,这样就带来了一堆新的问题。

8.Best-selpng author and leadership expert John Adair brings his stimulating insights into leadership into his most accessible book to date.畅销书作家和领导专家约翰代尔把他最容易刺激到他的书之日起领导的见解。

9.Now, when constituents come to him with mortgage problems, he directs them to Adair.现在,当市民来访反映房贷问题时,他把他们引至雅达丽。

10.Lord Adair Turner, head of Britain's Financial Stabipty Authority, pubpcly embraced reflexivity.英国金融稳定局局长AdairTurner勋爵,公开接受了自反性理论。