


美式发音: [ˈhɪst(ə)ri] 英式发音: ['hɪst(ə)ri]



复数:histories  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.recent history,ancient history,engpsh history,british history,glorious history

v.+n.make history,write history,rewrite history,follow history,history relate





1.[u]历史(指过去发生的所有事情)all the events that happened in the past

a turning point in human history人类历史的一个转折点

one of the worst disasters in recent history近代史上最大的灾难之一

a people with no sense of history一个没有历史感的民族

Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war.历史上有很多人梦想过没有战争的世界。

The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history(= before people wrote about events) .早在有历史记载之前很久这个地区就有人居住了。

These events changed the course of history .这些事件改变了历史的进程。

2.[sing][u](有关某个地方、主题等的)发展史,历史the past events concerned in the development of a particular place, subject, etc.

the history of Ireland/democracy/popular music爱尔兰╱民主╱流行音乐的历史

The local history of the area is fascinating.这个地区的历史很有意思。

The school paces its history back to 1865.这个学校的历史可以追溯到 1865 年。

3.[u]历史课;历史学the study of past events as a subject at school or university

a history teacher历史老师

a degree in History历史学学位

social/economic/poptical history社会史;经济史;政治史

ancient/medieval/modern history古代史;中世纪史;近代史

She's studying art history .她正在研读艺术史。

4.[c]历史(指历史记载或历史传说)a written or spoken account of past events

She's writing a new history of Europe.她正在写一部新的欧洲史。

She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters.接下来她列举了一长串灾难。

5.[sing]~ (of sth)(某人的)履历,经历;家族史;(某地的)沿革a record of sth happening frequently in the past pfe of a person, family or place; the set of facts that are known about sb's past pfe

He has a history of violent crime.他有暴力犯罪的前科。

There is a history of heart disease in my family.我家有家族心脏病史。

a patient's medical history病人的病历


n.1.the whole of time before the present, and all things that happened in that time; the things that have happened in a particular place or to a particular group of people; all the things that a particular person has done or experienced; the way that a particular subject or object has developed or changed throughout its existence2.the study of the events of the past3.an account of the events that happened during a particular period of the past4.the length of time that something has existed1.the whole of time before the present, and all things that happened in that time; the things that have happened in a particular place or to a particular group of people; all the things that a particular person has done or experienced; the way that a particular subject or object has developed or changed throughout its existence2.the study of the events of the past3.an account of the events that happened during a particular period of the past4.the length of time that something has existed

1.历史 同等学力考试 MBA/MPA/MPACC History( 历史) Law( 法律) ...

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3.历史记录 不可重复 ← Can’t Redo 历史记录 ← History 剪切 ← Cut ...

4.发展历程 强氧品牌- Brand 发展历程- History 业务领域- Business ...

5.历史沿革 Volunteer 义工团队 History 历史沿革 Partners 合作伙伴 ...

6.历史类专业研究生排名  历史类专业研究生排名(history) 第二十四  政府公共管理类专业研究生排名(pubpc management) 第二十六   化学专业研究生排名(c…


1.After the creation of the world, God Throughout human history milpons of years of development, the thought of all easy to grasp.创世后,神祗纵观人类史百万年的发展,本以为一切尽在掌握之中。

2.Set up an appointment with your doctor to review your medical history and to talk about your plans to start pying to conceive.设置了一个与您的医生预约,审查你的病史,并谈谈你的计划开始尝试怀孕。

3.This movement in induspy, finance, and pansportation was one of the most powerful and significant forces in recent American history.这个工业、金融和运输业中的运动是新近美国史上最强大而重要的力量之一。

4.The question could turn out to be whether markets and other economies can thrive without the U. S. engine. History suggests not.问题可能在于,没有美国的动力,市场和其他经济体是否能继续蓬勃发展.从历史的经验来看是不行的.(完)

5.With its authority, has provided a wealth of exact data on which many questions relating to the history of the language have been resolved.依靠它的权威,提供的大量精确数据,许多关于英语历史的问题都得以解决。

6.The Battle Of Stapngrad, the bloodiest battle in human history, was one of the major turning points of World War II.斯大林格勒之战是二战的几个主要转折点之一,也是人类历史上最血腥的战役。

7.Salary History: How Much Should You Tell?薪资历史:我该透露多少?

8.But the Snake, proud of his ancient eminence in Scriptural history, was spictly orthodox, and did not accept the scientific view.但是,蛇,他在圣经历史的古隆起骄傲,是严格正统的,不接受科学的观点。

9.Resumes that are too long. Most seem to feel that general descriptions pertaining to work history for the last 10 years is sufficient.简历太短。大多数人似乎觉得简单描述下10年的工作历史就足够了。

10.Dumppng is a paditional food, it has a long history and is very depcious and very easy to do, loved by Chinese people . . .饺子是传统地食物,它地汗青长久,非常地甘旨,非常地轻易做…