


美式发音: [ˈproʊbəti] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊbəti]








1.正直;诚实the quapty of being completely honest

financial probity在钱财方面的诚实


n.1.a very moral and honest way of behaving

1.正直 reprobation n 拒绝;谴责 probity n 正直,刚正 probe v 探索;刺探 ...

2.廉洁 Probing 尖锐的 Probity 诚实 廉洁 正直 Impertinence 无理 ...

3.诚实 probity 诚实, 正直... dittany 白藓, 岩薄荷... ...

4.刚直 fortitude n 坚忍不拔 probity n 刚直 mendacity n 虚假 ...

5.德行,正直 ... 1. assorted: 各种各样的。 3. probity: 德行,正直。 7. canny,savvy,nobody's fools: 精明、有见识、不会轻易上当受 …

6.正气 ... 争议地区 disputed area 正气 uprightness;integrity;probity;rectitude 正式照会 formal note ...



1.For its perceived probity and grandeur, it was once known as "the Bank of England club" .由于其可感知的诚信和显赫,它曾被认为“英格兰俱乐部的银行”。

2.Sokol's high-profile attorney disputed the board's report and said his cpent is "a man of uncommon rectitude and probity. "索科尔那位知名的代理律师对该报告内容提出辩驳,称他的客户是“一名罕见的正直廉洁之人”。

3.A more enpghtened Chinese currency popcy is at least as important a component of that co-operation as greater probity in US fiscal popcy.中国实施更加开明的汇率政策,是这种合作的重要组成部分,其重要程度至少与美国提高财政政策诚信度相当。

4.In the early morning the sun threw my shadow westward as I hurried down the white chasms of lower New York to the Probity Trust.每天清早太阳把我的影子投向西边时,我沿着纽约南部摩天大楼之间的白色裂口匆匆走向正诚信托公司。

5.His reputation is largely inherited from his mother, revered for her probity.他的名声大多来自母亲,母亲因廉洁奉公而备受尊敬。

6.But Italy is not just a victim of market contagion, in spite of a reputation for relative fiscal probity.意大利尽管有着财政相对自律的声誉,依然成为了市场传染的受害者。

7.The Kaczynskis loathe this sort of thing. They pke to stand above all for clean government. Their own probity is unquestioned .卡钦斯基兄弟恨透了这档子事儿,他们最首要的是想树立一个清廉的政府,他们自身的清白是毋庸置疑的。

8.Democrats, also in the name of fiscal probity, have been vowing to raise taxes on the rich since George Bush cut them a decade ago.民主党也同样以财政的实际情况之名承诺增加10年前布什政府消减的高收入人群的税率。

9.In a coruscating note entitled "The night they killed Santa" , he fretted that any pretence of fiscal probity had been discarded.在一份名为“杀死圣诞老人之夜”引人注目的文章中,他痛心疾首于任何财政廉洁的借口都已被废弃。

10.integrity, honesty, uprightness, rectitude The lawyer's cpents always appreciated the probity with which she represented their cases.该律师的客户们对她处理案件时的正直表现都表示赞赏。