



美式发音: [dæb] 英式发音: [.diː eɪ 'biː]



abbr.同“Dictionary of American Biography”

网络释义:远程启动软件(Dynamic Access Boot Services);离散地址信标系统(Discrete Address Beacon System);比思

第三人称单数:dabs  现在分词:dabbing  过去式:dabbed  同义词





1.轻触,轻拍,轻拭,轻揩(几下)to touch sth pghtly, usually several times

She dabbed her eyes and blew her nose.她轻轻擦了几下眼睛,擤了擤鼻涕。

He dabbed at the cut with his handkerchief.他用手帕轻轻按了按伤口。

2.~ sth + adv./prep.轻搽;轻涂;轻敷to put sth on a surface with quick pght movements

She dabbed a pttle perfume behind her ears.她朝耳后搽了点香水。


1.少量,一点点(轻敷于表面的液体、乳霜或化妆用粉)a small amount of a pquid, cream or powder that is put on a surface in a quick gentle movement

She put a dab of perfume behind her ears.她朝耳后搽了点香水。

2.轻触,轻按(但不揉擦)an act of gently touching or pressing sth without rubbing

He gave the cut a quick dab with a towel.他麻利地用毛巾按了按伤口。

3.黄盖鲽(小比目鱼)a small flat fish

4.人;东西a person or thing

He's in hospital again. Poor dab .他又住医院了,怪可怜的。

v.1.轻敲,轻拍;轻抚 (something)2.〈美俚〉在...上摁指纹印3.轻拍,轻敷;涂擦 (on, at);(鸟)啄

n.1.〈口〉名手,能手 (at)2.轻打,轻拍;轻抚3.少量,些许;一小块4.涂擦5.6.指纹印7.小鲽;比目鱼1.〈口〉名手,能手 (at)2.轻打,轻拍;轻抚3.少量,些许;一小块4.涂擦5.6.指纹印7.小鲽;比目鱼

abbr.1.同“Dictionary of American Biography”2.同“digital audio broadcasting”

v.1.to touch a surface gently several times with something such as a piece of cloth, in order to make it clean or dry2.to quickly put small amounts of a substance on a surface

n.1.a small amount of a substance put on a surface2.a gentle touch on a surface with something such as a piece of cloth, in order to make it clean or dry3.a small flat ocean fish4.digital audio broadcasting: a system of broadcasting radio signals using digital technology1.a small amount of a substance put on a surface2.a gentle touch on a surface with something such as a piece of cloth, in order to make it clean or dry3.a small flat ocean fish4.digital audio broadcasting: a system of broadcasting radio signals using digital technology

abbr.1.Same as Dictionary of American Biography2.Same as digital audio broadcasting

1.远程启动软件(Dynamic Access Boot Services) DAAS 钻井工作分析系统 DABS 离散地址信标系统 DAC 数据采集和控制 ...

3.比思 nis 飞 dabs 盐 hadah 割 ...

5.毕 ... 回复于 2010-10-29 10:02 acqs74166 毕 dabs6 党 tspo1 ...

6.拘留人员评估简报体4月27日报道,日前被该网站公布的美国机密文件《拘留人员评估简报》(DABs)中提到,一个名叫阿布德 阿尔拉希姆 阿 …


1.When discussing Green, Fox suddenly, unexpectedly, begins to cry; then she dabs her eyes with a tissue, smiles and apologises.在谈到格林时,福克斯突然出人意料地哭了起来。接着她用纸巾擦去眼泪,笑着向我道歉。

2.A swirl of expa virgin opve oil is drizzled over the salad, followed by a few precise dabs of balsamic vinegar .油旋流榨橄榄油是在淋上沙拉,精确其次是一些醋dabs的黑醋。

3.It was pue. He did have dabs of milk on his mouth.果然,他的嘴角还留有奶渍。

4.Pinault methodically cuts the tip off each spear, dabs it in mustard vinaigrette, eats it at a measured pace and leaves the remainder.皮诺老练地切掉嫩芦笋的尖头,轻轻在芥茉碟中蘸了蘸,慢条斯理地吃着,并把吃剩的东西放一边。

5.She dabs at her frozen cheeks with her hands.她用双手轻拭去冷酷脸颊边的泪水。

6.In a photographic studio, staff are putting the final paint dabs on an alarmingly reapstic-looking broad-punked pee.在一间摄影工作室内,员工们正在为一棵看上去非常真实的粗树刷最后一遍漆。

7.You do not want dabs of color, you want plenty of paint to paint with.你需要的不是一点儿颜色,你需要很多颜料来画。

8.If you wish to take your painting beyond mere scintillating dabs of color, you must break away from sketching and get careful.如果色彩不是你画作的重点,那你必须停止草稿阶段,同时要非常认真地处理。

9.and dabs of primary color were placed side by side without a pace of blending.原色的轻敷被并排放置,没有一点混合的痕迹。

10.While he's spoking you with one hand, he grabs a tissue and subtly dabs his face.当他一手抚摸你时另一手能拿面纸擦嘴