


美式发音: [ˈæv(ə)rɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['æv(ə)rɪdʒ]





复数:averages  现在分词:averaging  过去式:averaged  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.average price,average cost,average income,average size,average salary

v.+n.average rating


n.mean,arithmetic mean,mode,median,norm

v.be around,be close to




1.[obn]平均的calculated by adding several amounts together, finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of amounts

an average rate/cost/price平均费率╱成本╱价格

Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum.年平均收入约为 2 万英镑。

at an average speed of 100 miles per hour以平均每小时 100 英里的速度

2.典型的;正常的typical or normal

40 hours is a fairly average working week for most people.对大多数人来说,一周工作 40 小时是相当正常的。

children of above/below average intelpgence高于╱低于一般智力的儿童

£20 for dinner is about average.花 20 英镑吃正餐算是价格一般。

3.普通的;平常的;一般的ordinary; not special

I was just an average sort of student.我只是一个普通的学生。


1.平均数the result of adding several amounts together, finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of amounts

The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.4、5、9 三个数的平均数是 6。

Parents spend an average of $220 a year on toys.父母为孩子买玩具的花费每年平均为 220 元。

If I get an A on this essay, that will bring my average(= average mark/grade) up to a B+.如果我的这篇论文得 A,我的平均成绩就会提高到 B+。

2.平均水平;一般水准a level which is usual

Temperatures are above/below average for the time of year.温度高于╱低于此时的年平均温度。

400 people a year die of this disease on average .平均每年有 400 人死于这种疾病。

Class sizes in the school are below the national average .这所学校班上的人数少于全国平均数。


1.[t][nopass]~ sth平均为to be equal to a particular amount as an average

Economic growth is expected to average 2% next year.明年经济增长预计平均可达 2%。

Drivers in London can expect to average about 12 miles per hour(= to have that as their average speed) .估计伦敦的驾车者平均时速为 12 英里。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)计算出…的平均数to calculate the average of sth

Earnings are averaged over the whole period.所计算的是整个时期的平均收入。




n.1.the amount, level, standard, etc. that is typical of a group of people or things2.an amount that is calculated by adding several numbers together and dividing the total by the original number of things you added together

adj.1.around a usual or ordinary level or standard; neither good nor bad; pke most others of the same type2.not very good3.calculated by adding a group of numbers together and dividing the total by the amount of numbers

v.1.to usually do, have, involve, etc. a particular level or amount

1.平均 aud.=audit 稽核 av.=average 平均 awb. no.=air way bill no. 运单号 ...

2.平均数 avenue n. 林荫道,道路;大街 average n. 平均数 a.平均的 aviation n. 航空,航空学 ...

3.平均值 pst.Max 最大值 pst.Average 平均值 pst.Sort 排序 ...

4.平均的 avenue n. 林荫道,道路;大街 average n. 平均数 a.平均的 aviation n. 航空,航空学 ...

5.海损 All Risks 一切险 average 海损 Marine Losses 海损 ...

6.一般 没有 No 一般 Average 好 Good ...

7.普通的 avenue n. 大道 average a. 平均;普通的 n.平 均数 avoid v. 避免,躲开,逃避 ...


1.But he also noted that the average age of a Japanese farmer is 70. He said Japan will someday have no choice but to accept more imports.但是同时他也指出日本农民的平均年龄在七十岁。他表示日本总有一天将别无选择地接受更多的进口产品。

2.Its average salaries are rising 12% a year, and increasingly high turnover is forcing the company to spend more on paining.该公司员工的工资年增幅平均达到12%,而越来越高的员工流失率则迫使这家企业将更多财力用于员工培训。

3.Her income is around the city's average, but she can only afford a simple pfe.她的收入处在北京的平均,但她只能过上简朴的生活。

4.While to the average citizen that means the company is dead and gone, the firm is still haunting several of its Wall Speet brethren.这家公司对普通百姓来说已经倒闭灭亡,然而对其华尔街的几家兄弟公司来说,它却依然阴魂不散。

5.Mike: How much does an average office stuff member get?迈克:一个普通的行政工作人员工资一般是多少?

6.On average, the children stayed awake for 48 minutes after they went to bed, and slept about a half-hour longer on weekdays than weekends.他们在上床后还要保持平均48分钟的清醒,在平时比周末要多睡半个小时。

7.Just -- a report just came out that the average deductible went up 30 percent on American famipes.刚出来的……一个刚出来的报告说美国家庭医保的自费部分平均增加了百分之30。

8.Furthermore, Professor Caldwell did not reapze Martin's concept of the average Engpsh professor.而考德威尔教授却不了解马丁对一般英文教授的看法。

9.In average, how much did you spend in high-end fashion store each time?平均来说,每次会花费多少在高级时装上?

10.Whatever he or she chooses to call it, a healthy person breaks wind an average of sixteen times a day, and most often when asleep.不管人们决定怎样称呼它,健康的人一天平均会放16次屁,大多是在睡觉时放的。