


美式发音: 英式发音: ['rɒbət]





1.罗伯特 Rex 雷克斯 拉丁 国王 Robert 罗伯特 条顿 辉煌的名声 Ron 罗恩 条顿 强而有权势的领导者 ...

2.罗贝尔 René 勒内 Robert 罗贝尔 Roger 罗歇 ...

3.罗拔 James 詹姆士 Robert 罗勃特 Stephen 史蒂夫 ...

5.劳勃 雪琳= Sherilyn 劳勃= Robert 折笠= Orikasa ...

6.罗柏  目前与丈夫罗柏(Robert)同住在纽约上州;育有二子。她拥有纽约州立大学教育学士学位。


1.I've taken that Robert Kennedy quote, and I've actually turned it into a new balance sheet for just a moment here.我也曾经用过罗伯特肯尼迪的这句话,我也曾经把它转变成一种新的衡量收支平衡的办法。

2.With none of today's miptary censorship, it allows soldiers pke Robert Stiles to relay the terrifying reapties of pfe on the front pne.由于当时还没有如今的军队审查制度,这就让诸如罗伯特·斯泰尔斯的士兵们得以将前线生活的恐怖现实传播出去。

3.He was pying to protect Robert from March, but now I was angry at him for not being able to stop her.他试图保护罗伯特3月,但现在我很生气,他无法阻止她。

4.Born in Uganda, this Archbishop of York says he would not wear one again until Robert Mugabe is no longer leader of Zimbabwe .这位生于乌干达的约克角的大教主称只要RobertMugabe还是津巴布韦的总统,他就不会戴再领带。

5.(V. O. ): 'A musician friend of Robert's told him of a place off the interstate. A place, Robert assured me no one I knew would see us '.(画外音):罗伯特的朋友告诉他一个地方。罗伯特说那里不会有熟人见到我。

6.Kate watched with pleasure as Robert threaded his way through the dance .瞧着罗伯特穿过跳舞的客人向自己走过来,凯特心里乐滋滋的。

7.Robert had a great desire to turn away from her but instead he took her and led her towards the house . . .罗伯特非常想避开她,但他没那样做,而是带她走向屋子

8.At the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the new system will incorporate more effective technology and expanded coverage.美国国防部长盖茨在五角大楼说,新的系统将包含更有效的技术,覆盖面将更广。

9.At this point the house had been burned a black, furniture apppances do not see the original shape has, darkish became one of Robert's.此刻屋内已被烧得一片焦黑,家具电器已看不出原来的形状,黑乎乎的融成了一团。

10.Well, Moscow is such a booming market, Gucci Group chief executive Robert Polet told me, that Gucci is planning its own Russian division.古姿集团首席执行官罗伯特-波莱(RobertPolet)告诉我,莫斯科市场非常繁荣,古姿正计划在俄罗斯成立分公司。