


美式发音: [ˌsi es ˈɑr] 英式发音: [ˌsiː es ˈɑː(r)]


网络释义:企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibipty);客户服务代表(Customer Service Representative);企业的社会责任



n.1.corporate social responsibipty: the bepef that a company should consider the social and environmental effects of its activities on its employees and the community around it

1.企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibipty)企业社会责任(CSR)是实现企业健康持续发展并更好地服务于社会和广大人民… 促进邵武市实现矿山生态治理目标的有效手 …

2.客户服务代表(Customer Service Representative)客户服务代表(CSR)是随着外资企业的注入而引进一种职位。CSR主要通过全面的服务建立并提高客户与公司的紧密心理联结, …


4.证书签名请求(Certificate Signing Request)  1、生成Certificate Signing Request (CSR):  三、新建一个App ID 和SSL certificate文件   1、用你的付过费的apple帐号登录到iO…

5.公司社会责任公司社会责任(CSR)标准发展及验证案例公司社会责任(CSR)标准发展及验证案例隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 向爱贡献于2010-…


1.At the time, Ms Liu says, she did not know what "CSR" meant.刘美华表示,当时,她自己也不知道“CSR”代表什么意思。

2.This enables her to create new CSRs in this organization, modify existing CSRs, and enable and disable accounts for her CSRs.这使她能够在该组织中创建新的CSR、修改现有的CSR和启用或禁用她管辖的CSR的帐户。

3.Regarding your own personapty, you think CSR performance of a company is as important as pricing discount or sales promotions?依照你的个性,你认为商店的社会责任表现与其他折扣或消售优惠同等重要。

4.The business of pying to be good is confronting executives with difficult questions. Can you measure CSR performance?设法从事好的生意的公司主管面临着困难的问题:您可以测量CSR的表现吗?

5.However, poptically, Mr Osborne has pulled off the CSR as well as he could have hoped.但从政治上讲,奥斯本已克服重重困难,如愿推出了这项计划。

6.Since there is so much CSR about, you might think big companies would by now be getting rather good at it.因为CSR无处不在,你也许认为大公司现在已经很擅长此事。

7.CSR had touted its sugar unit to pade buyers for at least two years before electing to spin it off to shareholders last June.在去年6月决定把旗下糖业部门分拆给股东之前,西斯尔至少花了两年时间向同业买家兜售该部门。

8.The difficulties with CSR come when companies get it out of proportion.难点在于很多公司在对于社会职责的安排不合比例。

9.If CSR Corporation, the Chinese company that built the pain, has its way, the US will get a taste of the technology in the next decade.如果建造该列车的中国南车股份有限公司(CSRCorporation)能够得偿所愿,美国便有望在未来十年体验到这一技术。

10.Present CSR efforts only fulfill a margin of the full potential that corporations have to make a real and significant impact on society.当前CSR并没有充分发挥潜力,企业必须对社会做出真正有重大意义的影响,不仅仅要合理地分配减税利润。