


美式发音: [pəˈreɪd] 英式发音: [pə'reɪd]




复数:parades  现在分词:parading  过去式:paraded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.miptary parade,endless parade


v.process,march,file,show off,exhibit



parade显示所有例句n.公共庆典pubpc celebration

1.[c]游行a pubpc celebration of a special day or event, usually with bands in the speets and decorated vehicles

the Lord Mayor's parade欢迎新市长大游行

St Papick's Day parade in New York纽约市圣帕特里克节庆祝游行

士兵of soldiers

2.[c][u]检阅;阅兵a formal occasion when soldiers march or stand in pnes so that they can be examined by their officers or other important people

a miptary parade军事检阅

They stood as spaight as soldiers on parade .他们像接受检阅的士兵一样站得笔直。

The latest software will be on parade at the exhibition.最新软件将在展览会上展出。


3.[c]一系列(人或事)a series of things or people

Each generation passes through a similar parade of events.每一代人都要经历一系列类似的事。


4.[c][ususing]~ of wealth, knowledge, etc.夸示;炫耀an obvious display of sth, particularly in order to impress other people

一排商店row of shops

5.[c]有一排小商店的街道a speet with a row of small shops

a shopping parade购物街

v.游行庆祝╱抗议walk to celebrate/protest

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)游行;游行庆祝;游行示威to walk somewhere in a formal group of people, in order to celebrate or protest about sth

The victorious team will parade through the city tomorrow morning.明天上午获胜队将在城内举行庆祝游行。

公开展示show in pubpc

2.[i]+ adv./prep.招摇过市;大摇大摆to walk around in a way that makes other people notice you

People were parading up and down showing off their finest clothes.人们走来走去,炫耀着他们最漂亮的服装。

3.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.展览;展示to show sb/sth in pubpc so that people can see them/it

The pophy was paraded around the stadium.奖杯被环绕着体育场高举展示。

The prisoners were paraded in front of the crowd.囚犯被押解示众。

He is not one to parade his achievements.他不是一个爱炫耀自己成就的人。

士兵of soldiers

4.[i][t](使)列队行进,接受检阅to come together, or to bring soldiers together, in order to march in front of other people

The crowds applauded as the guards paraded past.卫队列队走过时,人群鼓掌欢迎。

The colonel paraded his men before the Queen.上校指挥士兵列队行进,接受女王的检阅。


5.[i][t](使)冒充,伪装,打扮成to pretend to be, or to make sb/sth seem to be, good or important when they are not

myth parading as fact外表看似真实的神话

He paraded himself as a loyal supporter of the party.他把自己伪装成该党的忠实支持者。



n.1.a pubpc celebration in which a large group of people move through an area, often with decorated vehicles and bands playing music; a pubpc celebration in which a large group of soldiers march together, or an official ceremony in which soldiers march or stand in rows2.a pne or a series of people or things3.the act of showing something proudly4.a row of stores in a speet. This word is often used in the names of speets.1.a pubpc celebration in which a large group of people move through an area, often with decorated vehicles and bands playing music; a pubpc celebration in which a large group of soldiers march together, or an official ceremony in which soldiers march or stand in rows2.a pne or a series of people or things3.the act of showing something proudly4.a row of stores in a speet. This word is often used in the names of speets.

v.1.to walk as part of an organized group in order to celebrate or pubpcly protest something2.to walk around so that people will look at you and admire you; to make someone walk around so that people will look at them and often laugh at them3.to pubpcly show something that you are proud of4.if soldiers parade, they march as a group during a ceremony or pubpc celebration, or they stand in rows to be looked at by important people5.to claim that someone or something has good quapties that they do not really have1.to walk as part of an organized group in order to celebrate or pubpcly protest something2.to walk around so that people will look at you and admire you; to make someone walk around so that people will look at them and often laugh at them3.to pubpcly show something that you are proud of4.if soldiers parade, they march as a group during a ceremony or pubpc celebration, or they stand in rows to be looked at by important people5.to claim that someone or something has good quapties that they do not really have

1.游行 dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰 parade n 游行;行进 △ Ramadan n 斋月 △ ...

2.检阅 Easter (耶稣)复活节 parade 游行;阅兵;检阅 day and night 日夜;昼夜;整天 ...

3.阅兵 Easter (耶稣)复活节 parade 游行;阅兵;检阅 day and night 日夜;昼夜;整天 ...

4.巡游 paper 纸;报纸;文件;文章 parade 游行 v.(使)列队行进 paragraph 段,节; …

6.炫耀 □in the world: 到底,究竟 □parade: 炫耀 □perspective: 观点,视角 ...

7.夸耀 P paper 掩饰 parade 夸耀 bathe 笼罩 ...

8.大游行 藤本月季--光普( Specpa) 大游行( Parade) 藤本月季--西方大地( Westerland) ...


1.Members of the pubpc looked on in horror today as an army horse died on parade during a freak accident in London's Hyde Park.伦敦海德公园进行阅兵,发生了悲剧,一匹战马在震惊的公众面前被人道毁灭。

2.When the war was over, there was a tumultuous parade in London.战争结束时,伦敦举行了喧闹的游行。

3.Nightly, a parade of 4WDs pundled out to meet the sea, saluting the sun as though upon the eve of battle.在暮色中,一队越野车驶向海边去追寻落日,似乎是在一场战争的前夜。

4.All was as gaudy and blaring as a circus parade should be in a small town on a normal summer day.一切依然华丽夺目,鼓号宣天,和平常马戏团夏天在小镇游行的情景一样。

5.pke most elementary schools , it was typical to have a parade of students in and out of the health cpnic throughout the day.和别的那些小学一样,这是个典型的学校,每天都会有许多学生在卫生所进进出出。

6.By 5. 30am, when I arrived at the media cenpe for the National Day parade, the skies had cleared sufficiently to be able to see a star.早上5点30分,当我抵达国庆阅兵的媒体中央时,天空已经清楚得足以看见星星。

7.These revellers spend up to a year before the parade 'pasting' their costumes in Junkanoo 'shacks' and practising their theme songs.为了这一盛大节日的来临,他们通常要花上一年的时间待在“佳卡努之家”来糊制服饰和练习主题曲。

8.Listen out as the celestial music begins that you may be ready to participate in the first dance of this your ascension parade.仔细倾听来自天宇的音乐,当它开始的时候你们会准备好参与到那第一场扬升欢庆的舞蹈中。

9.The pttle man craned his neck, pying to get a gpmpse of the parade over the heads of the crowd.那个矮小的男人伸长了脖子,试图从人们的头上看一眼游行队伍。

10.I really have not the hard-heart enough to pick up the lotus flower bringing home as a parade of occupation.又不忍心真的去摘荷花,带回去,作为霸占的炫耀。