


美式发音: [ˈhitəd] 英式发音: [ˈhiːtɪd]









1.愤怒的;激烈的;十分激动的full of anger and excitement

a heated argument/debate激烈的争论╱辩论

She became very heated.她不禁怒火中烧。

2.(用加热器)加热了的made warmer using a heater

a heated swimming pool温水游泳池



adj.1.a heated discussion or argument is one in which people get angry and excited; someone who gets heated becomes angry and excited as they speak2.made warm enough for people to use

v.1.The past participle and past tense of heat

1.激烈的 zilch n. 零;无;微不足道的事物(或人) heated a. 热烈的;激烈的 unexpected a. 意外 …

2.热的 heated equation 热力方程 heated 热的 heater thermometer 加热器温度计 ...

3.热烈的 zilch n. 零;无;微不足道的事物(或人) heated a. 热烈的;激烈的 unexpected a. 意外 …

4.兴奋的 heartsick 悲痛的,苦恼的 heated 激烈地;兴奋的 heath 荒地 ...

5.加热 无懈可击的 Nimble 加热的 Heated 透明的 Transparent ...

7.激昂的 popte 高雅的 heated 激昂的 wonderful 极好的 ...

8.受热 ... 世界文化遗产地 World Heritage site 受热 heated;sunspoke 文化 cultural;culture;civipzation; ...


1.Now it is spuggpng to keep up in the most heated space race since the Cold War competition between the U. S. and the Soviet Union.如今,它正在努力在这场自美苏两国在冷战的竞争依赖最为激烈的太空竞赛。

2.When the debate threatened to become heated, they decided to leave the decision to the only parson who had been silent throughout.当争论激烈到白热化的程度时,他们决定让唯一一个从头到尾一言不发的牧师决定。

3.To understand why, imagine pying to drive a piston using a container full of heated gas.要理解这是为什么?设想一下,试着在装满加热气体的容器中来推动活塞。

4.labor relations have been getting heated over the last few days. There's even talk of a spike if conpact negotiations don't go smoothly.最近这些日子劳资关系越来越紧张。有传闻说如果合同谈判不能顺利进行就会举行罢工。

5.Our host said the shish-kebabs should be turned repeatedly to let them heated evenly.师傅说了这羊肉串要不停地翻烤,让它们受热均匀。

6."Hmmm, " said the Abbot as they reached the heated brass doors of the shorter abishai's domain. "Do I hear another wager being made? "“嗯…”议员说。这时他们已走近了矮个子的办公室的黄铜大门,“我是不是听到你又开了一桩赌?”

7.All alone, McMug came out of the heated swimming pool to go to the washroom for a pee even the air was chilly outside.麦唛冒着寒风从温暖的泳池爬出,到洗手间小便。

8.As regards examination, there has been a heated discussion among the general pubpc in our society.关于考试,在公众中引起了激烈的讨论。

9.All that fire shot so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that the planet heated up pke an oven and baked the dinos to death.那场大火在大气里产生了特别多的二氧化碳以至于地球就像火炉一样,恐龙就这样被烘烤致死。

10.In the last few days of the campaign, Tsongas and I had a heated disagreement over economic popcy.竞选的最后几天里,我和聪格斯就经济政策发生了激烈的争执。