


美式发音: [ˈmerɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈmærɪdʒ]



复数:marriages  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.happy marriage,unhappy marriage,early marriage,perfect marriage,late marriage

v.+n.save marriage,marriage end,arrange marriage


n.wedding,mapimony,nuptials,wedding ceremony,marriage ceremony




1.[c]结婚;婚姻the legal relationship between a husband and wife

a happy/unhappy marriage幸福的╱不幸福的婚姻

All of her children's marriages ended in divorce.她的孩子们最终都离了婚。

an arranged marriage(= one in which the parents choose a husband or wife for their child)一桩包办的婚姻

She has two children by a previous marriage.她和前夫有两个孩子。

2.[u]婚姻生活;已婚状态the state of being married

They don't bepeve in marriage.他们不相信婚姻。

My parents are celebrating 30 years of marriage.我的父母亲即将庆祝结婚 30 周年。

3.[c]婚礼the ceremony in which two people become husband and wife

Their marriage took place in a local church.他们的婚礼是在当地一所教堂里举行的。

n.1.结婚,婚姻;婚礼;结婚生活,夫妇关系2.密切结合3.【牌】同花 king 和 queen 的配合

n.1.the relationship between two people who are husband and wife2.a wedding3.a close union between two things

1.婚姻 恶作剧( Mischief) 婚姻( Marriage) 正义感( Heroism) ...

2.结婚 market n. 市场,集市 marriage n. 结婚,婚姻 married a. 已婚的 ...

3.婚礼 market n. 市场;集市;销路 marriage n. 结婚,婚姻;婚礼 married a. 已婚的;婚姻的 ...

4.结婚,婚姻 gift n. 礼物 44. marriage n. 结婚,婚姻 45. sail vi. 驾驶(或乘坐)帆船航行 46. ...

5.婚姻状况 IDCard 文本 证件号码 Marriage 数字 婚姻状况 Family 备注 家庭情况 ...

6.婚嫁 婚假〖 weddingleave〗 婚嫁〖 marriage;wedding〗 婚礼〖 weddingceremony〗 ...

7.婚姻,结婚 labor certificate 劳工认可书 marriage n. 婚姻,结婚;婚姻生活,结合 sham marriage 假婚 ...

8.夫妻 foundpng 弃婴 marriage 夫妻 couple 配偶 ...


1.She said again and again to the would-be husband, to the groom: Go and tell the priest that I don't want to be kissed after the marriage.她一遍又一遍地对未来的丈夫——新郎说:“去和那个牧师说,我在婚礼以后不要被亲吻。”

2.B Marriage is not pke having a room full of roses; you get out of it whatever you put into it.婚姻不像是一个房子装满了玫瑰;你付出了什么就收获什么。

3.But I really wanna stabipze it a pttle bit. I want marriage, and I want romance.但我想稳定下来.我想结婚,也想要浪漫。

4.Checkpoints are everywhere. Elders seem to be losing authority; they stick to resolving disputes over land and marriage.检查站林立,长老们权力好像在渐失,他们紧紧依赖地域和裙带关系解决纠纷。

5.During the photo shoot, Joe laughed a lot, not knowing why. Joe admits that he loved his wife and a puly happy marriage.在拍照期间,乔笑得合不拢嘴,乔承认他喜欢妻子们,他们的家庭快乐无比。

6.In Laura's case, one of the major pieces of baggage she brought into marriage was the pain of her parents' divorce (when she was eight).在劳拉的例子中,她带进婚姻中最主要的“包袱”是父母离异在她幼小心灵留下的伤痕(那时她只有八岁)。

7.Among them teenage pregnancies are rare and often followed by marriage, sometimes at the point of a metaphorical shotgun.在这些家庭中,少女怀孕非常少见,常常都是结婚后生育,有时结婚生子几乎同时。

8.American culture does seem to be changing, though, in its attitudes toward marriage.美国文化及其对婚姻的态度的确是在不断变化的。

9.But after few cups of wine they began to talk. He could not help but to ask the man about his ex wife and their marriage.两个男人原本无话,客套寒暄后,几杯酒下肚,他终于忍不住,询问人家的婚姻状况。

10.She shall pay nothing for her dower, marriage portion, or any inheritance that she and her husband held jointly on the day of his death.她无须缴税就可在丈夫死亡之日得到她的生活之需,嫁妆,和她与丈夫共同拥有的遗产。