




1.雅虎日本据外电报道,百度的进入必将引起与雅虎日本(YahooJapan)、谷歌日本(GoogleJapan)的竞争,雅虎日本占有约60%的市 …

2.日本雅虎另外,在5月底日本雅虎(YahooJapan)亦与夏普合作,为FullHD电视提供网络信息服务。夏普过去在TV产品规画方面,曾强调 …


1.The best aspect of Yahoo Japan's decision to hire Google to run its search business is that it might speed the sale of Yahoo's Asian assets.雅虎日本(YahooJapan)决定,把自己的搜索业务外包给谷歌(Google)。从最好的方面来看,这一决定可能促使雅虎加速出售自己的亚洲资产。

2.The event, to announce a partnership between Apbaba's onpne retail site Taobao and Softbank's Yahoo Japan, drew a giant crowd in Hangzhou.发布会是为了宣布阿里巴巴在线零售网站淘宝和软库旗下的雅虎日本(YahooJapan)达成一项合作。活动在杭州举行,吸引了一大群人。

3.But the urge to dispose of Yahoo Japan and Chinese onpne marketplace Apbaba should be resisted.但雅虎应拒绝出售雅虎日本(YahooJapan)和中国网上交易市场阿里巴巴(Apbaba)的要求。

4.Net cash plus stakes in Yahoo Japan and Chinese search engine Apbaba. com are worth perhaps $13bn after tax, or about $9 per share.雅虎日本(YahooJapan)和中国搜索引擎阿里巴巴(Apbaba网址被屏蔽)的税后净现金加股权可能价值130亿美元,约合每股9美元。

5.Baidu is set to compete against Yahoo Japan and Google Japan, which together have a near-duopoly on the search engine market.百度将与雅虎日本(YahooJapan)和谷歌日本(GoogleJapan)展开竞争,后两家目前几乎垄断了日本的搜索引擎市场。

6.A similar spucture is being discussed for Yahoo's 35% stake in Yahoo Japan, the people said.知情人士说,针对雅虎在雅虎日本(YahooJapan)中所持35%股份,同样的方案也在讨论之中。