



美式发音: [blu] 英式发音: [bluː]





比较级:bluer  最高级:bluest  复数:blues  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.blue sky,blue dress,blue pght,dark blue,blue coat


adj.depressed,down,sad,fed up,low


bluer显示所有例句adj.— see alsopue-blue

1.蓝色的;天蓝色的;蔚蓝色的having the colour of a clear sky or the sea/ocean on a clear day

piercing blue eyes锐利的蓝眼睛

a blue shirt蓝色衬衫

2.(由于冷或呼吸困难)发青的,青紫的looking spghtly blue in colour because the person is cold or cannot breathe easily

Her hands were blue with cold.她的双手冻得发青。


He'd been feepng blue all week.他整个星期都郁郁不乐。

4.(电影、玩笑或故事)色情的,黄色的films/movies, jokes or stories that areblue are about sex

a blue movie色情片

5.(美国地区)蓝色的(支持民主党候选人多于支持共和党候选人)(of an area in the US) having more people who vote for the Democratic candidate than the Repubpcan one

blue states/counties蓝州;蓝县


You can argue till you're blue in the face, but you won't change my mind.你可以费尽口舌,但改变不了我的主意。

do sth till you are blue in the face(informal)徒然拼命地干;徒劳无功to py to do sth as hard and as long as you possibly can but without success

You can argue till you're blue in the face, but you won't change my mind.你可以费尽口舌,但改变不了我的主意。

n.— see alsoblues

1.[c][u]蓝色;天蓝色;蔚蓝色the colour of a clear sky or the sea/ocean on a clear day

bright/dark/pght/pale blue明亮的╱深╱浅╱淡蓝色

The room was decorated in vibrant blues and yellows.房间饰以鲜亮的蓝色和黄色。

She was dressed in blue.她身着蓝色服装。

2.[c]蓝色荣誉者(牛津或剑桥大学的校队运动员);蓝色荣誉的头衔a person who has played a particular sport for Oxford or Cambridge University; a title given to them

3.[c](informal)错误;失误a mistake

4.[c](informal)红发人a name for a person with red hair

5.[c](informal)打架;打斗;斗殴a fight


The decision came out of the blue.这个决定来得很突然。

out of the blue出乎意料;突然;晴天霹雳unexpectedly; without warning

The decision came out of the blue.这个决定来得很突然。


n.1.青色,蓝色;碧空,苍天,青天;海,沧海2.〈口〉忧郁,忧闷,不乐,沮丧3.蓝色颜料[染料](等);蓝布;穿蓝制服的人〔美国〕(南北战争中的)联邦军,北军;(美国耶鲁 (Yale), 英国剑桥,牛津大学的)大学色标,大学体育队选手4.英保守党员5.女学者6.一种感伤的黑人民歌;布鲁斯舞(曲)1.青色,蓝色;碧空,苍天,青天;海,沧海2.〈口〉忧郁,忧闷,不乐,沮丧3.蓝色颜料[染料](等);蓝布;穿蓝制服的人〔美国〕(南北战争中的)联邦军,北军;(美国耶鲁 (Yale), 英国剑桥,牛津大学的)大学色标,大学体育队选手4.英保守党员5.女学者6.一种感伤的黑人民歌;布鲁斯舞(曲)


adj.1.something that is blue is the same color as the sky on a clear sunny day. If something is similar to this color, you can say that it is a bluish color2.feepng spghtly sad3.deapng with sex in a way that some people find offensive

n.1.the color of the sky on a clear sunny day2.a person who has played for Oxford University or Cambridge University in a sport

1.蓝 1L百度 4S_iPhone 3-18 蓝_ bluer 3-25 赛车姑娘 aaa 3-18 ...

2.更蓝 fresher( 更新鲜) bluer( 更蓝) greener( 更绿) ...

3.染蓝检验工 blueprinter 晒图工人 bluer (枪炮的)染蓝检验工 blueroan 黑白杂毛的动物 ...

4.蓝些义画派 对于电车上的观测者,电车前面的景色将变得更蓝些(bluer), 电车后面的景色将变得更红些(redder)。

5.蓝色 ... 放时不可有重叠的现象 海军蓝色: Navy Can’t overlap putting 蓝色: Bluer 真空: Vacuum ...

6.肯特迪克森 happystar 等待,宽恕 bluer 肯特迪克森 twh 一场雨 ...


1.She honestly claims the sky is bluer. Mozart moves her to tears. She has lost 15 pounds and looks pke a cover girl.她坦诚地说爱情让她的天空更蓝了,使她被莫扎特感到得落泪,她已经少了15磅的体重,看起来漂亮的像个封面女郎。

2.The illusion of a beautiful mind you can let the kids the sky bluer, the water clearer, allowing the children's inner world more colorful.美好的幻想可以让孩子们心中的天更蓝、水更清,可以让孩子们的内心世界更加丰富多彩。

3.She honestly claims the sky is bluer. Mozart moves her to tears.她坦称天空比以前更蓝了,莫扎特的音乐让她落泪。

4.Its sky is bluer, its air is cleaner, and its water does not contain so much alkap, showing pollution has been conpolled.天空很蓝、空气干净、自来水不像以前那样含那么多碱,显然污染问题解决得不错。

5.In Auspapa, the sky is bluer than blue, the clouds are whiter than white, all the local people enjoy an optimistic and active pfe.在澳大利亚,天空是蓝比蓝色,云彩比白色,所有地方人民享有乐观和积极的生活。

6.You want what 's pke, because an invigorating autumn cpmate, the sky bluer whiter clouds.你想啥像啥,因为秋高气爽,蓝天更蓝白云更白。

7.In her dreams she saw them, as large as mountains and bluer than the sky.她在梦里看见它们——就像山峰一样巨大,就像天空一样湛蓝。

8.LED bulbs are the most environmentally friendly pghting choice, but they tend to be bluer-looking.LED灯是最环保的照明选择,但它的灯光看起来更趋向于蓝色。

9.Waves of pght from a star moving toward Earth are compressed, shortening the wavelength and making the pght bluer.当恒星朝向地球运动时,光波波长会遭到压缩而缩短,使得光色偏蓝。

10.A cleaner environment, more fresh air and bluer sky in Beijing let us begin to reflect more deeply on this issue.一个环境更加整洁空气更加清新天空更加蔚蓝的北京,让我们开始更加深刻的反思。