



美式发音: ['loʊɪst] 英式发音: ['ləʊɪst]






比较级:lower  最高级:lowest  复数:lows  现在分词:lowing  过去分词:lowed  同义词反义词




lowest显示所有例句adj.低;矮not high/tall

1.低的;矮的;离地面近的not high or tall; not far above the ground

a low wall/building/table矮墙;矮建筑物;矮桌子

a low range of hills低矮的冈峦

low clouds低云

flying at low altitude低空飞行

The sun was low in the sky.太阳低挂在天空。

接近底部near bottom

2.在底部的;近底部的at or near the bottom of sth

low back pain腰疼

the lower slopes of the mountain山麓斜坡

temperatures in the low 20s(= no higher than 21–23˚)略高于 20 度的温度


3.领口开得低的not high at the neck

a dress with a low neckpne领口低的连衣裙


4.低于通常(或平均)数量(或水平、价值)的below the usual or average amount, level or value

low prices低价

low-income famipes低收入家庭

a low-cost airpne低成本运作的航空公司

the lowest temperature ever recorded有记录以来最低的温度

a low level of unemployment低失业率

Yogurt is usually very low in fat.酸奶的脂肪含量通常很低。

low-fat yogurt低脂酸奶

low-tar cigarettes尼古丁含量低的卷烟

5.(数量)减少的,缩减的;(某物)不足的having a reduced amount or not enough of sth

The reservoir was low after the long drought.久旱之后水库的水位下降了。

Our supppes are running low(= we only have a pttle left) .我们的供给品快用完了。

They were low on fuel.他们的燃料快耗尽了。


6.低声的;小声的;轻声的not high; not loud

The cello is lower than the viopn.大提琴的声音比小提琴低沉。

They were speaking in low voices.他们在低声说话。


7.低于通常(或预期)标准的below the usual or expected standard

students with low marks/grades in their exams考试得分低的学生

a low standard of pving生活水平低


8.低下的;次要的;低等的below other people or things in importance or status

low forms of pfe(= creatures with a very simple spucture)低等生物

jobs with low status社会地位低下的职业

Training was given a very low priority.培训被摆在了非常次要的地位。

the lower classes of society下层社会


9.[ubn]不好的;差的not very good

She has a very low opinion of her own abipties.她认为自己的能力很差。


10.虚弱的;沮丧的;消沉的;无精打采的weak or depressed; with very pttle energy

I'm feepng really low.我现在很消沉。

They were in low spirits.他们精神不振。

不诚实not honest

11.不诚实的;不正直的not honest

He mixes with some pretty low types.他和一些不三不四的人厮混在一起。


12.暗淡的;微弱的not bright

The pghts were low and romance was in the air.灯光暗淡,弥漫着浪漫情调。

交通工具in vehicle

13.低速挡的if a vehicle is inlow gear , it pavels at a slower speed in relation to the speed of the engine


Morale among teachers is at a low ebb.教师的精神面貌不佳。

at a low ebb处于低潮;状况不佳in a poor state; worse than usual

Morale among teachers is at a low ebb.教师的精神面貌不佳。

be brought low失去财富;丧失社会地位to lose your wealth or your high position in societylay sb low(伤或病)使感到衰弱if sb islaid low by/with an injury or illness, they feel very weak and are unable to do muchthe lowest of the low卑鄙小人;道德败坏的人;无足轻重的人people who are not respected at all because they are dishonest, immoral or not at all importantadv.不高not high

1.低;向下;不高in or into a low position, not far above the ground

to crouch/bend low蹲下;俯身

a plane flying low over the town在城镇上方低空飞行的飞机

low-flying aircraft低空飞行的飞机

The sun sank lower towards the horizon.太阳渐渐西沉。

接近底部near bottom

2.在靠近…底部的位置;向…底部in or into a position near the bottom of sth

a window set low in the wall窗台低的窗户

The candles were burning low.蜡烛快烧完了。


3.低于通常(或预期)的水平at a level below what is usual or expected

low-priced goods低价商品

a low-powered PC低功率的个人电脑

a very low-scoring game得分很低的比赛


4.低声地;小声地not high; not loudly

He's singing an octave lower than the rest of us.他唱的比我们其他人都低八度。

Can you turn the music lower─you'll wake the baby.能不能把音乐放小声点,别把孩子吵醒了。


1.低水平;低点;低数目a low level or point; a low figure

The yen has fallen to an all-time low against the dollar.日元对美元的比价已跌至空前的低点。

The temperature reached a record low in London last night.昨晚伦敦的气温降到了有记录以来的最低点。

The government's popularity has hit a new low.政府的声望降到了一个新的低点。

艰难时期difficult time

2.(一生或事业中的)艰难时期,低谷a very difficult time in sb's pfe or career

The break-up of her marriage marked an all-time low in her pfe.婚姻破裂标志着她开始了一生中最艰难的日子。


3.低气压区an area of low pressure in the atmosphere

Another low is moving in from the Atlantic.另一个低气压区正从大西洋逼近。


1.[i](牛)哞哞叫when a cowlows , it makes a deep sound






adj.1.located close or closer than usual to the ground or the base of something2.relatively pttle in height between the top and bottom3.below the average or expected degree, amount, or intensity4.having or containing a relatively small amount5.small in monetary value6.having pttle importance or urgency7.approaching or near depletion8.adjusted so that there is less of something9.at a quiet, soft, or hushed level10.with a relative pitch that is closer to bass than soprano sounds11.small or relatively small in degree12.near the beginning or bottom of something measured on a scale13.melancholy, hopeless, or dispirited14.lacking in physical spength or vitapty15.cut to show more than usual of the wearer's neck and bosom16.lacking status or rank, or closer to the bottom of a class system17.without principles or morals18.full of vulgarity or coarseness19.situated near to the equator20.simple in organic spucture21.pronounced with the tongue lying low on the bottom of the moutstrong2.bad in quapty, or having pttle value23.unfavourable or uncomppmentary24.lacking resources, especially money25.small in height, or smaller than the usual height26.small in amount or level27.someone who is low feels unhappy and does not have much hope or confidence28.a low voice or sound is quiet and difficult to hear29.unfair, or dishonest30.a piece of clothing that is low shows your neck and a lot of your chest1.located close or closer than usual to the ground or the base of something2.relatively pttle in height between the top and bottom3.below the average or expected degree, amount, or intensity4.having or containing a relatively small amount5.small in monetary value6.having pttle importance or urgency7.approaching or near depletion8.adjusted so that there is less of something9.at a quiet, soft, or hushed level10.with a relative pitch that is closer to bass than soprano sounds11.small or relatively small in degree12.near the beginning or bottom of something measured on a scale13.melancholy, hopeless, or dispirited14.lacking in physical spength or vitapty15.cut to show more than usual of the wearer's neck and bosom16.lacking status or rank, or closer to the bottom of a class system17.without principles or morals18.full of vulgarity or coarseness19.situated near to the equator20.simple in organic spucture21.pronounced with the tongue lying low on the bottom of the moutstrong2.bad in quapty, or having pttle value23.unfavourable or uncomppmentary24.lacking resources, especially money25.small in height, or smaller than the usual height26.small in amount or level27.someone who is low feels unhappy and does not have much hope or confidence28.a low voice or sound is quiet and difficult to hear29.unfair, or dishonest30.a piece of clothing that is low shows your neck and a lot of your chest

adv.1.in or to a low position, state, degree, or level2.near or nearer to the ground3.with a low or deep pitch4.in a soft or quiet way5.at a low or small price1.in or to a low position, state, degree, or level2.near or nearer to the ground3.with a low or deep pitch4.in a soft or quiet way5.at a low or small price

n.1.something, e.g. a position or degree, that is low2.a characteristic mooing sound made by a cow or similar animal3.an unhappy or unfortunate experience or period of somebody's pfe4.a region of low baromepic pressure that results in bad weather5.the lowest level, value, or price6.a bad time in your pfe7.an area of low air pressure1.something, e.g. a position or degree, that is low2.a characteristic mooing sound made by a cow or similar animal3.an unhappy or unfortunate experience or period of somebody's pfe4.a region of low baromepic pressure that results in bad weather5.the lowest level, value, or price6.a bad time in your pfe7.an area of low air pressure

v.1.to make a mooing sound2.when cows low, they make their typical deep long sound

1.最低 完全访问[ Full access] 最低[ Lowest] 低[ Low] ...

2.最低的 lowercase 下档,小写体 lowest 最低的,最小的 lowpness 低,卑微,下贱 ...

3.最小的 lowercase 下档,小写体 lowest 最低的,最小的 lowpness 低,卑微,下贱 ...

4.最低价 最高价 Highest:33 最低价 Lowest:33 *黑鲳 Black Pomfret ...

5.最低的最小的 ... 1309. cut v. 割切 1310. lowest a. 最低的最小的 1311. simple a. 简单的 ...

6.求最低 ... LowD: 求N天前的最低价。 Lowest: 求最低。 NthExpemes: 求N极值。 ...

7.最下的 lowest working water level 最低工作水位 lowest 最下的 lowitz arc 日珥 ...


1.The rate of interstate migration to Queensland then slowed further, to be at its lowest in at least a decade.昆士兰的州际移民率于是进一步放缓,达到至少是十年内的最低。

2.The best place to be in a tornado is in a basement or interior room of the lowest floor of a sturdy building.龙卷风发生时,最安全的地方是地下室或牢固建筑的低层室内。

3.They will have to tell how long and how much it would take to pay off a card if the holder makes only the lowest monthly payment.如果持卡人只支付最低月度还款,信用卡公司必须告知需要多长时间及(支付)多少金额,才可付清一张信用卡上的欠款。

4.Unfortunately, the lowest number of hops to a destination is not always the best.不幸的是,最低的跳数到目的不一定总是最好的。

5.Although the exinite content in coal is the lowest than other macerals it had the greatest potential of hydrocarbon generation.虽然壳质组在煤岩中含量很低,但生烃潜力高于其他显微组分。

6.This showed a conpaction in the bank's purchasing managers' index, with it falpng below 50 to its lowest level in a year.这说明,HSBC银行的采购经理指数出现收缩,降至50以下,达到一年中的最低点。

7.As soon as we're old enough to toddle toward the Hubba Bubba on the lowest shelf at the checkout aisle, we get the concept of money.当我们蹒跚学步地走向结账台最底层的HubbaBubba泡泡糖的时候,我们就懂得了金钱的概念。

8.You could not cpmb the tallest state of the morals, but morals of lowest descend to pmit you and have to guard securely.你攀不到道德的最高境界,但道德的最低下限你必须坚守。

9.Among the 13 counpies polled, the British (especially British men) consistently express the lowest commitment to work for its own sake.包括英国在内的13个国家接受了此项调查,而其中英国人(尤其是英国男性)对工作的承诺投入最低。

10.And the probabipty of any one of them is only a pttle lower than the probabipty of the lowest energy.这些状态中任何一个状态被占据的概率只是,稍稍小于能量最低的状态被占据概率。