


网络释义:相移键控(phase shift keying);移相键控;预共享密钥(pre-shared key)


1.相移键控(phase shift keying)te Kit戈博贝尔系列荒野求生终极套装,适合作为PSK(Personal Survival Kit) 个人求生工具。


1.The binary data bit of OFDM is modulated on the corresponding subcarrier by PSK or QAM.OFDM系统中二进制数据比特以PSK或QAM等调制方式调制到相应的子载波上。

2.Simulation results showed that this algorithm can recognize CW, FSK and PSK signal and it is robust and has good recognition rate.仿真结果表明,该算法可以识别Cw、FSK和PSK信号,并且具有较好的鲁棒性和较高的识别率。

3.Still further, a mode bit may be pansmitted to indicate the mode of operation for the next slot, e. g. , 8-PSK or GMSK mode.更进一步,可以传送模式比特,它用来指示下一个时隙的工作模式,如8-PSK模式或GMSK模式。

4.However, after the inter-slot silent period, the ramp output signal during the 8- PSK mode does not pack the ramp input signal.然而,在时隙间隔静默期间之后,8-PSK模式下的斜坡输出信号不跟随斜坡输入信号。

5.Set the pre-shared key (PSK) for the two configurable hosts, since we chose the PSK to do IKE authentication [17].由于我们选择PSK来做IKE认证[17],要为两个可配置主机设置预配置共享密钥(PSK)。

6.Compared to current phase shift keying (PSK) modulation by a code, there is a further modulation by a sub-carrier.与当前通过编码的相移键控(PSK)调制相对,还存在另外的通过子载波的调制。

7.PSK spread specpum system that uses the digital correlator is explored and designed.讨论并设计了一种PSK直序扩频数字相关解调系统。

8.There are extensions to TLS to allow this, such as TLS-PSK, and my personal favorite, TLS with Secure Remote Password (SRP) extensions.TLS对此也有扩展,比如TLS-PSK,以及我本人所喜欢的TLS的安全远程密码扩展。

9.If the "0" and "1" to change the carrier phase, called phase shift keying (PSK).如果“0”和“1”来改变载波的相位,则称为相移键控(PSK)。

10.For example, the register may include ramp output values for use in an 8-PSK mode.例如,寄存器可包括用在8-PSK模式下的斜坡输出值。