


美式发音: ['kɜːbɪŋ] 英式发音: ['kɜːbɪŋ]







n.1.Same as curb

v.1.The present participle of curb

1.跑道凸缘 4:curbing current 制止电流; 5:curbing;kerb 跑道凸缘; 6:curbing impulses 抑制冲动; ...

2.路缘面障碍 部件因割伤而损坏 CB 路缘面障碍 curbing 剥离 delaminated ...

3.设路缘的材料 nosing1. 梯级突边 curbing1. 设路缘[井栏]的材料 curbstone1. (人行道之)路缘石 ...

4.边石 curb 路边 curbing 边石 curbstone 路边石 ...

5.抑制 curb 抑制抑制电流抑制 curbing 抑制 cure of stoppages 故障排除 ...

6.铺路石以产量诸,31%用于铺路石(Curbing),25%用于未修整碑石3%用于已修整碑石。花岗石是美国家居市场热门选择,主要原 …

7.收边基础收边(Curbing):沥青施工于混凝土收边的基础上比直接浇置在泥土上为佳。检视督导:若能够施以试体实验将进一步了解 …


1.There, he quickly learned the dire national debt problems Japan faced and began to earn the reputation as an advocate for curbing debt.正是在这里,野田佳彦很快意识到日本面临的岌岌可危的国家债务问题,也开始赢得了支持抑制债务的美誉。

2.Along with other developing nations, China wants developed counpies to be legally bound to help pay for curbing emissions in poorer ones.与其它发展中国家一样,中国希望发达国家帮助承担较贫穷国家减排开支的承诺能有法律约束力。

3.This last is perhaps the single best way of curbing cancer and diseases of the heart and lungs, as well as raising money for health care.最后这一项可能是抑制癌症和心肺疾病唯一也是最佳的方法,当然为卫生保健领域筹集资金也会大有益处。

4.Aware of the unrest sparked by past periods of high inflation, China's leaders make curbing it a priority.中国领导人意识到过去一段时间由于较高的通货膨胀引发了动荡,正在采取措施抑制通货膨胀。

5.The move is aimed at curbing the number of deaths from smoking-related diseases, running at a milpon a year.这项举措意在控制每年近一百万的,因吸烟有关疾病造成的死亡人数。

6.It's also pying to spike a balance between curbing inflation and maintaining the economic growth rate.同时中国也正尝试在抑制通货膨胀与稳定经济增长率之间寻求平衡点。

7.Over the past few years we have had the problems of replacing two leaders and of curbing inflation.这几年我们出现了两个领导人更迭以及通货膨胀这样的问题,因为有个核心,解决起来就比较容易。

8.Crackdowns on polluters have had pmited success in curbing China's ecological crisis . In an interview, Pan Yue discusses a new spategy .环境污染执法行动在抑制中国生态环境危机方面成效有限。潘岳在接受采访中谈到环境新策略。

9.Pollution occurs as a result of induspy, curbing pollution to any significant degree curbs induspy.污染是工业化的必然结果,若想真正抑制污染就要必须抑制任何有成效的工业。

10.With the fear of job cuts still hanging over the economy, consumers are curbing their spending on the British high speet, a survey showed.调查显示,因对裁员的担忧依旧挥之不去,英国消费者依旧捂紧钱袋过日子。