




1.塞尚 --Mandom/ 曼丹 --Cezanne/ 倩丽 --YANAGIYA/ 柳屋本店 ...

3.赛尚 ... 美国画家惠斯勒 Whistler,1834--1903 法国画家保罗·塞尚 Cezanne,1839--1906 法国画家保罗·高更 Gauguin,1848--19…

5.和塞尚 人类 hrman。 和塞尚 Cezanne 要去 go ...

6.世界名家名画-塞尚 世界名家名画-达芬奇- Da Vinci 世界名家名画-塞尚- Cezanne 世界名家名画-威廉阿道夫布格罗- Wilpam-Adolphe Bouguerea…

7.塞尚税包括免费送货,比1980年日元塞尚平滑蜜粉ex 01朗讯/塞尚税( cezanne )★★其他特色物件 预约人姓名 联络电话 电子信箱 …

8.赛尚痕在绘画上说,这是“拉费尔前派”(PreRaphaepsts)一流的优美,不是赛尚痕(Cezanne)以后的健美。在美术潮流上说,这是 …


1.Paul Cezanne was an important postimpressionist painter and the father of modern painting.塞尚是后印象派的重要画家,现代绘画之父。

2.However, Pettis and others said while the parasite nosema cezanne may be a factor, it cannot be the sole cause.然而,Pettis和其他人说,也许寄生微粒子虫是一个因素,但肯定不是唯一的原因。

3.Cezanne's painting thoughts came into being in the certain culture circumstance of 19th century.塞尚的绘画美学思想形成于欧洲19世纪特定的文化环境下。

4.Cezanne's artistic practice had a profound impact to Western modern art, precisely because his observation method has been innovation.塞尚的艺术实践对西方现代艺术产生了深远的影响,正是因为他观察的方法有了创新。

5.Pierre Berge has put 733 items up for auction, including works by Gaugin, Picasso, Kpmt, Degas and Cezanne.皮埃尔伯奇使733项目进行拍卖,其中包括高更的作品,毕加索,克里姆特,德加和塞尚。

6.Cezanne's last studio in Aix is a place haunted by the memory of this art master.保罗塞尚在艾克斯的最后一个画室,是个记忆这个艺术大师烦恼的地方。

7.He palmed off the painting as a genuine Cezanne.他把那幅画冒充塞尚的真迹卖掉了。

8.Have chosen three representative artists: El Greco, Henri matisse, Paul Cezanne.选择了三位有代表性的艺术家:格列格、马蒂斯、塞尚。

9.Cezanne is known for his unique still pfe paintings of apples .赛尚以独具一格的苹果静物画闻名遐迩。

10.Like Cezanne and Van Gogh, his painting style enpghtened a group of painters of modern art.他的绘画风格同塞尚、梵高一样启发了一批现代流派的画家。