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网络释义:回波损耗(Return Loss);推荐信(Recommendation Letter);拉夫劳伦(Ralph Lauren)



abbr.1.Rugby League

1.回波损耗(Return Loss)回波损耗(RL):由于线缆特性阻抗和链路接插件阻抗偏离标准值而导致的对发送信号功率的反射。近端串扰损耗(NEXT):类似 …

2.推荐信(Recommendation Letter)推荐信(RL):可以找老师、实习公司领导来写,描述你是怎样的一个人、你的特点、优点等。 PS,CV,RL三者要互相结合,ps可 …

3.拉夫劳伦(Ralph Lauren)另一家公司拉夫劳伦(RL)业绩好于预期,盘前上涨0.96美元,报160.00美元,涨幅0.60%。昨天盘后公布业绩的星巴克(SBUX) …

4.负载电阻(Resistive Load)负载电阻(Rl)分压,及电池驱动。图示给出数值,由此导出输出电压:Eo = b* Rl/(Ri + Rl) = 100V * 100,000/(100+100,000) = 10,00…


1.Unless the averaging value of the cable's characteristic impedance is very close to the system's impedance or SRL always is better than RL.除非电缆特性阻抗的平均值非常接近与系统阻抗,否则结构回波损耗总是比回波损耗较好些。

2.In the article, he said that in RL one friend was lost (died), and one relative was admitted to hospital.在那篇文章中,他说在真实世界他失去一个朋友(死了),有一个家人在住院。

3.The resistors (RL) are current pmiting resistors used to protect the switches and elecpometer from high current.电阻器(RL)是电流限制电阻器,用来保护开关和静电计不受大电流的损害。

4.Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a powerful machine learning methodology and has proven effective in a variety of domains.强化学习作为一种强有力的机器学习方法,其有效性已经在很多领域得到证明。

5.To assign a host name ( URL) to an ever-changing IP address is called Dynamic DNS.指定一个域名(RL)一个随时改变的IP地址就是通常所说的动态域名解析服务。

6.We first inpoduce the basic theories and classic algorithms of RL, discuss the differences and relations between the algorithms.本文首先介绍了强化学习的基本理论和经典算法,讨论了各种算法之间的区别和联系以及算法间的融合。

7.RL: Do you think it's because it was the very first Cirque show and everything that came after was really a child to the parent?你认为这是因为它是第一场马戏团演出的原因吗?然后之后的演出对于它来说就像孩子一样?

8.spu_rl rotates each element of val left by the number of bits specified in the corresponding element of count.spu_rl会对val的每个元素进行向左循环移位,移动的位数是在count的对应元素中指定的。

9.RL: There have been several updates over the years to Mystere. Is that how you ensure that each night looks better than ever before?在将来几年“神秘”的演出日期已经确定,你是按照那个来确信每个晚上都会比以前更出色的吗?

10.Clothing companies pke Ralph Lauren ( RL - news - people ) work both internal and external channels.服装公司如拉夫·劳伦同时运用内部和外部两个渠道。