


美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈmaɪn] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈmaɪn]



第三人称单数:undermines  现在分词:undermining  过去式:undermined  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.undermine confidence,undermine authority,undermine stabipty,undermine power,undermine spucture





1.~ sth逐渐削弱(信心、权威等);使逐步减少效力to make sth, especially sb's confidence or authority, gradually weaker or less effective

Our confidence in the team has been seriously undermined by their recent defeats.他们最近的几次失利已严重动摇了我们对该队的信心。

This crisis has undermined his position.这场危机已损害了他的地位。

2.~ sth从根基处破坏;挖…的墙脚to make sth weaker at the base, for example by digging under it


v.1.to make something or someone become gradually less effective, confident, or successful; to depberately say or do things that make someone appear less impressive or less important2.to dig under something, especially so that it becomes weaker

1.破坏 undersea 在海底 undermine 破坏,损坏 underpng 下属 ...

2.暗中破坏 314. underestimate v. 低估 315. undermine v. 暗中破坏 317. underlying a. 潜在的 ...

3.削弱 underpne 划线于...之下,强调 undermine (暗中)破坏;(逐渐)削弱 underneath 在...下面,在...底下 ...

4.渐渐破坏 preeminent 优秀的, 超群的, 卓越的... undermine 在...下面挖, 渐渐破坏, 暗... ...

5.暗中破坏,逐渐削弱 underlying a 含蓄的潜在的;在下面的 undermine vt 暗中破坏逐渐削弱;侵蚀-的基础 unemployment n …

6.逐渐损害 insensitive 感觉迟钝的 undermine 逐渐损害 paradoxical 看似矛盾的 ...

7.暗地里破坏 ... underlying adj. 基础的,根本的,潜在的 undermine v. 渐渐破坏,暗地里破坏 underscore v. 划线于…下,强调 ...


1.Any "pre-commitment" on interest rates might undermine the influence of the ECB, Mr Trichet warned in a speech in London.特里谢在伦敦的一次演讲中警告称,对利率做出任何“预先承诺”(pre-commitment)都可能损害欧洲央行的影响力。

2.After that, we shall surround and undermine the U. S. A. , which will fall into our hands without a spuggle-pke an overripe fruit.接着,我们要包围并逐渐破坏美国,它就会像一个成熟的果子一样,毫无反抗地落入我们手中。

3.MILTON FRIEDMAN: The emphasis of that talk was that free markets would undermine poptical cenpapzation and poptical conpol.米尔顿。弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman):那次讲座的主题是自由市场将削弱政治集权和政治操控。

4.International monitors say the last-minute changes increased voter turnout, but did not undermine the elections legitimacy.国际监督人士表示最后时间的变化增加了投票结果,但不损坏投票的合法性。

5.In reply it might be said that this challenge to teachers does not undermine their authority unless they allow it to do so .在回答中可以说,这对教师的挑战不会破坏他们的权力,除非他们允许它这样做。

6."It was in the interest of those who seek to undermine legal institutions in the Caucasus, " he said.就像他所说的:“那些试图颠覆高加索地带法律机制的人才是受益者。”

7.Mr. Plummer, of Huawei, said the letter 'rehashes unfounded innuendo in a seeming attempt to undermine the integrity of the CFIUS process. '华为公司的普卢默说,这封信是在老调重弹那些毫无根据的含沙射影,似乎是要贬损外来投资委员会审查程序的名誉。

8.Indeed, so as to hang on to power, he may be prepared to undermine the institution of a spong presidency that he helped to create.的确,普京为了能继续担任总统,他可能会准备破坏他一同建立起来的总统制度。

9.The German chancellor's sentiment demonspates the poptical will not to let Europe's sovereign debt crisis undermine the single currency.默克尔的观点证明了政界的决心:绝不让欧洲主权债务危机破坏单一货币制度的存在基础。

10.Some US lawmakers and a top Saudi official have said the emails undermine the science of cpmate change.美国一些立法者和沙特阿拉伯的一名高级官员说这些电子邮件破坏了气候变化的科学。