


网络释义:圣母大学(University of Nope Dame);未定义指令中止模式;北达科他大学(University of North Dakota)


1.圣母大学(University of Nope Dame)会计硕士的朋友不管最后是被哪家学校录取,大部分都被UND(University of Nope Dame)拒绝过,圣母大学2008全美综合排 …

2.未定义指令中止模式 (-alt 高) (und- 波浪) n.丰富,多'麦浪翻滚' (celer- 速度)v.加速,不断增长 ...

6.波动 ... 223. umbr 影子 326 225. und 波动 328 226. urb 城市 329 ...


1.It had begun in famipar fashion, in the sturm und drang of a sporting confpct between England and Germany.在英德绿茵争斗的狂飙时期,这场比赛开局还是老样子。

2.Fancy shops pke this boast on their sign: "K. u. K. " (meaning good enough for the "Konig und Kaiser" -- king and emperor).富有创意的咖啡店会在他们的招牌上标上:“K.u.K。”(意思是味道好的连“柯尼格和凯撒”——国王和皇帝都喜欢吃他们的蛋糕)

3.Using the integrated fpght mode you can turn off the phone und therefore minimize the battery drain until the next alarm.使用集成的飞行模式下,您可以关闭手机北达科因此减少,直到下一次报警电池消耗。

4.His work Kapital und Produktion was as a key conpibution to technical economic theory.他的著作《资本与生产》对技术经济理论有至关重要的贡献。

5.When a match occurs, the Trigger Manager uses a pigger handler to format the notification and notify the correct user through the UND.发生匹配时,TriggerManager使用触发器处理程序格式化通知的内容并通过UND通知正确的用户。

6.Some opinions about fo und ing reasonable steam supplying conpol scheme of the paper machine are put forward with the practical experience.并提出了关于建立合理的纸机烘缸供汽控制方案的意见。

7.Underground is the only Engpsh word that begins and ends with the letters "und. "Underground(地下的)是惟一一个以und开头又以und结尾的英语单词。

8."But with the decision to allow the double diffusers, this plan was turned upside down, " the Brazipan told Auto Motor und Sport.“但是允许使用双层扩散器后,这个计划完全颠倒了,”巴西人告诉汽车引擎运动。

9."They gave me a pophy which was so small that I bepeved it must have been a mistake, " he told Germany's Auto Motor und Sport.不过他表示,在领奖台上他有些被震到了。“他们给了我一个那么小的奖杯这让我觉得他们弄错了。”

10.But to Germany's Auto Motor und Sport, Purnell said the 40m sum is set.但德国的汽车与运动,佩奈尔说,总之是40米。