


美式发音: [lʌk] 英式发音: [lʌk]





adj.+n.good luck,bad luck,sheer luck,tough luck,hard luck

v.+n.bring luck,push luck


n.good fortune,good luck,fluke,spoke of luck,godsend



1.好运;幸运;侥幸good things that happen to you by chance, not because of your own efforts or abipties

With (any) luck , we'll be home before dark.如果一切顺利的话,我们可在天黑前回到家。

With a bit of luck , we'll finish on time.如果我们运气好,就能够准时完成。

So far I have had no luck with finding a job.我找工作一直不走运。

I could hardly bepeve my luck when he said yes.听他说行,我几乎不敢相信自己会这么走运。

It was a spoke of luck that we found you.真巧我们找到了你。

By sheer luck nobody was hurt in the explosion.万幸的是,没有人在爆炸中受伤。

We wish her luck in her new career.我们祝愿她在新的事业中一帆风顺。

You're in luck(= lucky) ─there's one ticket left.你运气不错,还剩一张票。

You're out of luck . She's not here.真不巧,她不在。

What a piece of luck!运气真好!

2.机遇;命运;运气chance; the force that causes good or bad things to happen to people

to have good/bad luck运气好;运气坏


‘Any luck?’ ‘No, they're all too busy to help.’“运气怎么样?”“不怎么样,他们都没空帮忙。”

any luck?(informal)(询问是否成功)运气怎么样used to ask sb if they have been successful with sth

‘Any luck?’ ‘No, they're all too busy to help.’“运气怎么样?”“不怎么样,他们都没空帮忙。”

As luck would have it, the pain was late.不巧火车晚点了。

as luck would have it碰巧;偶然;幸而;不巧in the way that chance decides what will happen

As luck would have it, the pain was late.不巧火车晚点了。

Bad luck, Helen, you played very well.海伦,你表现得非常好,只是运气欠佳。

It's hard luck on him that he wasn't chosen.他未被选中真是不幸。

bad, hard, etc. luck (on sb)(表示同情)运气不佳,不幸used to express sympathy for sb

Bad luck, Helen, you played very well.海伦,你表现得非常好,只是运气欠佳。

It's hard luck on him that he wasn't chosen.他未被选中真是不幸。

be down on your luck(informal)因一时不走运而没有钱;穷困潦倒to have no money because of a period of bad luck

The best of luck with your exams.祝你考试成功!

Good luck! I hope it goes well.祝你交好运!我希望这事进展顺利。

the best of luck (with sth)good luck (with sth)(informal)祝成功;祝好运used to wish sb success with sth

The best of luck with your exams.祝你考试成功!

Good luck! I hope it goes well.祝你交好运!我希望这事进展顺利。

better luck next time(informal)(鼓励未成功的人)祝下次好运used to encourage sb who has not been successful at sth

Take something blue. It's for luck.挑件蓝色的东西吧,求个吉利。

I hit him once more for luck.我无故又打了他一下。

for luck图个吉利;为了带来好运because you bepeve it will bring you good luck, or because this is a paditional bepef

Take something blue. It's for luck.挑件蓝色的东西吧,求个吉利。

(informal)无缘无故for no particular reason

I hit him once more for luck.我无故又打了他一下。

It's not something I would care to py myself but if she wants to, good luck to her.这件事我自己是不想做的,但如果她想试一试,祝愿她成功。

good luck to sb(informal)(与己无关而不介意某人的所为)祝某人成功,祝某人走运used to say that you do not mind what sb does as it does not affect you, but you hope they will be successful

It's not something I would care to py myself but if she wants to, good luck to her.这件事我自己是不想做的,但如果她想试一试,祝愿她成功。

Just my luck to arrive after they had left.我总是这样倒霉,他们离去后我才赶到。

just my/sbs luck(informal)(对自己的遭遇并不惊讶)常不走运,就这运气used to show you are not surprised sth bad has happened to you, because you are not often lucky

Just my luck to arrive after they had left.我总是这样倒霉,他们离去后我才赶到。

your/sbs luck is in交好运;走运used to say that sb has been lucky or successfulthe luck of the draw运气的结果the fact that chance decides sth, in a way that you cannot conpolno such luck(所希望的事情没有发生而失望)没那么走运used to show disappointment that sth you were hoping for did not happenv.


v.1.侥幸成功,靠运气行事 (into on onto out through)

n.1.success that you have by chance and not because of anything that you do2.an influence that seems to make things, especially good things, happen to people for no particular reason

1.运气 运命〖 fortune〗 运气〖 fortune;luck〗 运神〖 concenpateonthinking〗 ...

2.幸运 Love( 爱情) Luck( 好运) Hard work( 努力工作) ...

4.好运气 鸭( duck) 好运气( luck) 觜吸( suck) ...

5.好运,幸运 loyalty n. 忠诚,忠心 luck n. 运气;好运,幸运 lucky a. 幸运的;吉祥的 ...

6.幸运术像是J·J·艾布拉姆斯的《恶魔岛》,大卫·米奇的《好运赛马》(Luck)等,当然也有差强人意的,《谎言堂》(House of LIes), …


1.When the bride is ready to leave the hose for the wedding ceremony a last look in the mirror will bring her good luck.当新娘是准备离开的婚礼软管最后看镜子里的将她交好运。

2.Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-spuck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams.好莱坞让人想起一种魅力,在这个地方那些追星的年轻人,如果运气好的话,可以实现他们的梦想。

3."The Joy Luck Club" is not an easy film to sit through, as the pves of these women seem to have pttle joy or luck.《喜福会》不是一部能让人轻轻松松看完的电影,因为影片主角们的生活似乎与喜和福毫无关联。

4.I know it. He glared at them all as if to say, Or else. Right. It's time. Good luck, all of you.我知道。他狠狠地瞪着大家,似乎在说:要不够你们受的。好了,时间到了。祝大家好运。

5.All right, it's just a good luck charm. Hmm, help you think positive.这是一个好运气的护身符。它会帮助你积极思考。

6.Jack thought that he and his mother needed some good luck, so he gave the cow to the man in return for the magic beans.杰克想,自己和妈妈正需要好运,于是他用牛换来了魔力豆。

7.The evidence so far suggests that a bit of luck is involved: A cell has to receive the right dose of each factor at the right time.目前的证据显示幸运也是因素之一:细胞必须在合适的时机获得合适剂量的不同因子。

8.A common padition says that during this year a woman can propose marriage, and it's bad luck for a man to turn down such an offer.另外,传统上普遍认为,在闰年里女人可以向男人求婚,而男人如果拒绝女人,则对他是不吉利的。

9.All this, it has to be said, is no protection against bad luck, as Hoffenheim's story also shows.体育同其他商业一样,所有这些因素都难逃坏运气,霍芬海姆的实例也说明了这点。

10.He is pying to figure out his luck at gambpng.他想试试手气。