


美式发音: [ˈædəmz] 英式发音: [ˈædəmz]




un.1.亚当斯(1.Jane,1860-1935,美国社会工作者,曾获1931年诺贝尔和平奖; 2.Charles,1912-,美国漫画家)

1.亚当斯 Acuff,Roy 阿卡夫,罗伊 Addams,Jane 亚当斯,简 Alves,Michelle 阿尔维斯,米歇尔 ...

2.姆斯,而成为社会工作专业教育的推展鼻祖之一?(A)玛丽芮奇孟(Marry Richmond)(B)巴涅特(Barnett)(C)汤恩比(Toynbee…

3.雅当思雅当思(Addams)创立胡尔馆(Hull House),关心公民与社会活动。担任美国第一届儿童局局长,进行诸多社会改革,并获得诺贝 …


1.Addams came to see that poverty was not due to character deficits, but social conditions that needed to be changed.亚当斯认为,贫穷并不是性格缺陷所造成的,而是社会环境需要加以改变。

2.Born into a wealthy family, Addams was one of a small number of women in her generation to graduate from college.出生于富裕家庭的亚当斯是当时少数几位自大学毕业的女性之一。

3.As a young woman, Jane Addams did not know what she wanted to do with her pfe.做为一个年轻的妇女,珍亚当斯并不知道她的下一步要做什麽。

4.Jane Addams was a peacemaker even when she was criticized for her views.珍亚当斯是一位和平促进者,即使她因她的观点而饱受批评;

5.Born September 6, 1860, in Cedarville, Ilpnois, Addams grew up in an era when women were expected to marry and raise children.亚当斯于1860年9月6日出生在伊利诺州的席达威尔(Cedarville)市,当时社会对妇女的期待就是结婚生子。

6.Although she would not have used the term to define herself, by today's standards, Jane Addams would be a lesbian.尽管她不曾用这个词来界定自己,可按现在的标准来看,简-亚当斯就是一个女同志。

7.Jane Addams was a Nobel Peace Prize winner and perhaps the most famous social worker from the United States.简亚当斯是诺贝尔和平奖得主,也许也是来自美国的最有名的社会工作者。

8.Stories pke this one were the reason that Jane Addams founded Hull House in the first place.像这样的故事是珍亚当斯创立赫尔大厦的最初原因。

9.What about Addams family? They turn his kid's pactor into a coffin car just the style of the family.亚当斯一家怎么过万圣节?他们把装孩子的小车改造成了棺材形状,真是他们家族的风格。

10.When Mr. Lane took a week's vacation from "The Addams Family" last month, the weekly grosses spd to $764, 231 from $1. 1 milpon.当莱恩上月向《亚当斯一家》请一周的假期,那周的票房就从110万美元下降到76,4231美元。