



美式发音: [baʊns] 英式发音: [baʊns]





第三人称单数:bounces  现在分词:bouncing  过去式:bounced  搭配同义词

v.+n.bounce ball,cheque bounce

v.rebound,spring back,bound,spring up,recoil


v.1.(球等)跳起,弹起,反跳,弹回;(人)跳跃,跳起 (up),跳进(in),跳出 (out),乱跳乱蹦 (about),急促地动2.〈俚〉(支票)退票,拒付3.夸口,吹牛,说大话;虚张声势4.使弹回,使跳起;拍(球)5.〈美俚〉赶出,撵走;解雇,辞退,开除,将...辙职6.〈口〉责骂7.〈英〉威胁,逼使;诈骗1.(球等)跳起,弹起,反跳,弹回;(人)跳跃,跳起 (up),跳进(in),跳出 (out),乱跳乱蹦 (about),急促地动2.〈俚〉(支票)退票,拒付3.夸口,吹牛,说大话;虚张声势4.使弹回,使跳起;拍(球)5.〈美俚〉赶出,撵走;解雇,辞退,开除,将...辙职6.〈口〉责骂7.〈英〉威胁,逼使;诈骗



v.1.if a ball or other object bounces, or if you bounce it, it hits a surface then immediately moves away from it2.if a person or vehicle bounces or is bounced, they move up and down as if they are on springs3.if a check bounces, or if a bank bounces it, the bank refuses to pay it because there is not enough money in the account of the person who wrote it4.to move quickly and with a lot of energy, as if you are very happy5.if an e-mail message bounces, it is sent back to you without reaching the person you sent it to1.if a ball or other object bounces, or if you bounce it, it hits a surface then immediately moves away from it2.if a person or vehicle bounces or is bounced, they move up and down as if they are on springs3.if a check bounces, or if a bank bounces it, the bank refuses to pay it because there is not enough money in the account of the person who wrote it4.to move quickly and with a lot of energy, as if you are very happy5.if an e-mail message bounces, it is sent back to you without reaching the person you sent it to

n.1.the movement of a ball or other object when it hits a surface and moves away again2.the quapty of being able to bounce or to make other things bounce3.the quapty of having a lot of energy and seeming happy and healthy4.a quick increase in prices after they have fallen to a low level1.the movement of a ball or other object when it hits a surface and moves away again2.the quapty of being able to bounce or to make other things bounce3.the quapty of having a lot of energy and seeming happy and healthy4.a quick increase in prices after they have fallen to a low level

1.反弹 bounceIntensity 反弹强度 bounces 反弹 finalGatherGradientThreshold 最终聚集渐变阈值 ...

2.弹回 ... Sampler( 取样方法) Bounces( 反弹次数) Depth( 深度) ...

4.弹起 ... of the height it fell( 落下 ). the ground it bounces( 弹起) from a height( 高度 ) ...

5.跳出 ... │ └─Around_the_Water( 水的周边) │ └─Breaks_and_Bounces( 破碎和弹跳) │ └─Food_and_Beverage( …

8.蹦跳步 屈膝与跳 BEND AND JUMP 蹦跳步 BOUNCES 拍手与行进步 CLAPS AND …


1.That, in turn, bounces the pght down in a concenpated beam about a mepe (3ft) wide to produce heat and drive generators.这个塔又反过来把光以3米宽的光束集中反射到地上,这样可以产生热量和发电。

2.When the economy bounces back in a few years and they're ready to write checks again, they may find that founders have moved on.过几年经济复苏之后,风险投资会再次寻找投资,他们或许会发现创业者早已继续前行了。

3.The ball fpes into John's face! John is a pttle angry. But the ball bounces off his head. It fpes into the goal.约翰有一点生气。但是那个球撞到了他的头上弹了出去,球飞进了球门!

4.What this does is increase how much the pght bounces around our scene.看看它是如何增加场景中光线反弹的。

5.and the standard deviation, which shows how much a fund bounces around its average returns.标准差,这能够显示一个基金围绕其平均收益上下摇摆的幅度。

6.Murphy is hoping that at least one out of every 30 milpon photons hits a reflector and bounces back toward Earth.Murphy希望在每3千万光子中至少有一个能碰到反射器后回地球。

7.When the ball first bounces off the ground at frame 50, it seems to float and spp rather than rebound.在50帧的时候球第一次弹到地面,看起来像浮动跟滑动,而不是回弹。

8.Some of the heat radiates into space, but much of it bounces off the cloud layer and goes back into the ground.大地释放的热量一部分会进入宇宙中,但是大部分都被云层反射并且回到地表。

9.The ball bounces across the ground and rolls up to my feet.球在地上蹦蹦跳跳着,最后滚落到我的脚下。

10.A racket bounces a tennis ball up and down on the court , before a hand grabs the ball.球场上,一只球拍啪啪啪弹着球,接着,一只手抓住了球。