




1.数学书 Engpsh book 英语书 math book 数学书 dictionary 词典 ...

2.数学书--埋死补课 ... Engpsh book 英语书--应给利息补课 math book 数学书--埋死补课 schoolbag 书包--是顾儿 …

3.数学乢 Engpsh book 英诧乢 math book 数学乢 magazine 杂志 ...

4.数学课本lass)、数学老师(math teacher)、数学课本(math book)、数学作业(math homework)、数学考试(math test)等信息。

5.数孜乢 Engpsh book 英诧乢 math book 数孜乢 magazine 杂忈 ...


1.When you encounter a new concept in a math book, do not expect to understand it on the first reading , no matter how carefully your read it.当你在数学书上遇到一个新概念时,无论你读得多么仔细,也不要指望读一遍就能理解。

2.Why was the math book upset? ---- It had too many problems.为什么数学书很心烦?——它问题太多了。

3.But when I checked her math book this morning, I found that there were still several mistakes in her answers.但是,今天早上我在检查她的数学书时,仍然发现其中有几道题是错误的。

4.Statistics, some of which is covered in my discrete math book, but it's really a discippne of its own.统计学,其中一些包括在我的离散数学课里,她的某些训练只限于她自身。

5.Sometimes I'll spend a whole weekend reading a math book, and sometimes I'll go for weeks without thinking about it even once.有时我会花整个周末来读数学书,有时会数周都不再思考它。

6.The girl fell asleep while she was reading a math book.女孩在读数学书时睡着了。

7.I opened the math book and started to read. 'Nothing.我打开了数学课本看了起来。

8.There are an Engpsh book, a Chinese book, a math book, three note books and many exercise books in it.书包里有一本英语书、放伞一本英语书书、一本数学书、三个笔记本和许多练习本。

9.Put your math book on your spelpng book.把你的数学书放到拼写书上。

10.Point to your math book. Point to your spelpng book.指一下你的数学书,指一下你的拼写书。