




1.摘苹果 in the counpyside 在乡下 pick apples 摘苹果 most of the time 大部分时间 ...

2.就像去摘苹果ple on the pee),他们去表演赚钱,就像去摘苹果(pick apples),纽约在当时是诸城镇中表演赚钱最多(most)的城市,各城镇 …

3.采摘苹果 ... Cozy Up by a Fire 在火堆或火炉旁依偎取暖 Pick Apples 采摘苹果 Have a Scary Movie Marathon 看一个恐怖电影系 …

4.摘取苹果 pick: 摘、采(花、果实等) Pick apples 摘取苹果; pick out 挑出,选出。 ...

5.采苹果 ... 44. 高山和我 Gao Shan and I 45. 采苹果 pick apples 46. 开心 be happy ...


1.Having cleaned the house, she went on to help her mother pick apples.把房子打扫后,她又继续帮助母亲摘苹果。

2.In many parts of the counpy during the harvest season, a popular activity is to go into an apple garden to pick apples.在丰收的季节,许多地方都有一个热门的活动,就是到苹果园采苹果。

3.In the fall time, I rake the fallen leaves in the garden. I pick apples in the orchard.秋天,我在花园打扫落叶,在果园里采摘苹果。

4.Some peepers take advantage of the harvest season and also pick apples or sample apple cider from the local orchards.有些赏叶人充份利用这个收成季节,也会在当地果园摘采苹果或品尝发酵苹果汁。

5.I'm going to help the farmers pick apples next Sunday .下周日我将帮农民摘苹果。

6.I planted a apple pee in Happy Engpsh and everyone can pick apples as much as they want.我把苹果树种到“快乐英语”,大家爱摘多少摘多少。

7.Why do people come all the way here to pick apples by themselves and take them home?为什么大家都到这里来自己动手摘苹果带回家啊?

8.They are going to pick apples on the farm tomorrow afternoon.他们明天下午将去农场摘苹果

9.You can easily see football matches or you can pick apples from apple pees.你可以很容易的观看足球比赛或者从苹果树上摘苹果。

10.You easily see football matches or you can pick apples from apple pees.你很容易看到足球比赛或您可以摘苹果的苹果树。