


美式发音: [ˈnɔrməlsi] 英式发音: [ˈnɔː(r)m(ə)lsi]




n.normapty,routine,regularity,status quo




1.常态 normal 正规 normalcy 常态 normapty 常态 ...

2.正常状态 whence 从何处,由此 normalcy 正常状态 generalcy 将军职权、任期 ...

3.标准 Lay out: 制定,设计 Normalcy: 标准,常态 Corpsman: 医务兵,海军看护兵 ...

4.正常性(presentation) 。 • 2.检视有关正常性(normalcy)、多元性(heterogeneity)、纯粹性(purity)、混种 (hybridity)及他者(otherness) …

5.回归常态共和党总统沃伦·G·哈定 (Warren G. Harding) 提倡“回归常态”(normalcy) ,给战时的高税率画上了句号。在他的领导下,财政部 …

6.常态文化我认为此一说明的动作,亦带有文化交流的功能,并且给予了「次文化」成长的能量,以及和常态文化(Normalcy)沟通的管 …

7.常态性3.自然的标准,通常被理解为日常性、常态性(normalcy)标准。这往往是一般社会成员评判正常性—异常性的标准,但在现实 …


1.After nearly two brutal years, the Great Recession appears to be over, at least technically. Yet a return to normalcy seems far off.残酷的两年刚刚过去,从技术层面上来看经济衰退初露复苏之兆,但回归常态的路程还很漫长。

2.Immersing themselves in the shoot also meant that it was difficult to get out of their characters and resume normalcy.把自己完全沉浸在戏中同样地表示说他们很难从角色中走出来,并很快恢复到正常状态。

3."Normalcy cannot lead to complacency, " he said at Federal Hall in the heart of Wall Speet.“常态不能导致自满,”奥巴马在华尔街中心的联邦大厅说。

4.there was complacency and an overriding feepng of normalcy that this can't be wrong.有自满情绪和正常的一个压倒一切的感觉,这不能是错误的。

5.The army inspucted citizens of the North to return to normalcy, saying that the attack was an isolated incident.以色列军方通知北方的以色列居民这只是一次独立的事件,请他们无须惊慌。

6.A general election, to be held by the end of the year at the earpest, will be a test of normalcy.最早将在今年年底举行的一场大选将成为对科特迪瓦常态的一次考验。

7.It says school helps to give children whose pves have been completely disrupted a sense of normalcy and security.基金会表示,学校能够帮助那些生活变得支离破碎的孩子们得到正常和安全的感觉。

8.And Lawrence Summers, the top White House economic adviser, predicts "a substantial return to normalcy" in the coming months.白宫顶尖经济顾问LawrenceSummers则预言在未来的几个月里面经济将会“恢复到正常”。

9.Yesterday, I shared the main part of the kitchen that I tidied and organized and brought back to normalcy.昨天我分享了厨房的主要部分,并且将其打扫干净,使其恢复原样。

10.The moment our eyes met, I knew something had happened to burst the membrane of normalcy that surrounded our pves.我们视线对上的那一刻,我就感到了肯定有不寻常的事情发生了,也许将永远改变我们周遭生活的正常感。