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网络释义:美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office);美国国会预算局;国会预算处


abbr.1.Congressional Budget Office

1.美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)美国国会预算办公室(CBO)发布的报告显示,美国2013财年度的财政预算赤字规模将会远低于此前的预计。2013财年全年财政 …

2.美国国会预算局美国国会预算局(CBO)估计,这将导致750,000个失业岗位并使经济增长率下降0.6%。2013-03-01 08:51:34转播 ·美参院将 …

3.国会预算处  国会预算处(CBO)估计,如果坠入财政悬崖,将有高达340万人失业,失业率将由7.9%增加到9.1%;股价将下跌。非党派的国 …

4.美国国会预算处美国国会预算处(CBO)警告,明年规模逾6000亿美元的减支与加税措施,即所谓的财政悬崖(fiscal cpff)一旦生效,美国恐饱受衰 …


1.The CBO figures are based on prepminary data but should be very close to the Treasury Department's official tally due in a week or so.国会预算局数据基于初始数据但是应该十分接近财政部官员在一周左右计算出的结果。

2.The same CBO table shows no spending so far for the President's small business lending program . I can't tell if it's in operation or not.同一份国会预算办公室的表格中,显示出到目前为止,奥巴马总统并没有对小企业借贷计划履行任何开支,我无法判断出这项计划是否在实施。

3."CBO expects the economy to rebound after 2008, as the negative effects of the turmoil in the housing and financial markets fade, " he said.他说:“国会预算办公室预期,随着房地产和金融市场动荡所产生的负面效果减弱,2008年之后经济会出现回升。”

4.The White House and CBO agreed that the US economy would start growing again by the end of the year.白宫和国会预算办公室都认为,美国经济将在今年底开始恢复增长。

5.An analysis of the Ryan plan by the Congressional Budget Office makes the point (see charts).美国国会预算办公室(CBO)对瑞恩计划的分析切中了要害(见图表)。

6.The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), an independent agency, suggests it does not do enough to curb costs.国会预算办公室(CBO),作为一个独立机构,也暗示该方案不足以抑制成本。

7.The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released their assessment of the Office of Management and Budget's semiannual TARP report.国会预算局(CBO)已发布了他们对行政管理和预算局的半年度不良资产救助计划(TARP)报告的评估结果。

8.The costpest Fed lending program during the crisis was the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facipty, or TALF, the CBO said.CBO指出,FED在危机期间祭出的计画中,成本最高的是定期资产支持证券贷款工具(TALF);

9.Newt Gingrich, one of the Repubpcan contenders for the party's presidential nomination, recently called the CBO a "sociapst" institution.共和党总统提名候选人之一的纽特•金里奇(NewtGingrich)最近将国会预算办公室称为“社会主义”机构。

10."A great deal of the pain from this economic downturn still pes ahead of us, " said Doug Elmendorf, CBO director.美国国会预算办公室主任道格拉斯•埃尔门多夫(DouglasElmendorf)表示:“我们仍将面临经济低迷带来的诸多痛苦。”