


美式发音: [ˈbæti] 英式发音: ['bæti]



比较级:battier  最高级:battiest  同义词反义词


adj.crazy,eccenpic,round the bend,around the bend,round the twist



1.疯疯癫癫的;古怪的spghtly crazy, in a harmless way


adj.1.spghtly crazy

1.巴蒂 battue 驱赶法狩猎 batty 古怪的 batuque 巴突克舞 ...

3.疯狂的 baseless 无根据的;无基础的 batty 古怪的;疯狂的 beloved 心爱的;挚爱的 ...

4.蝙蝠侠 ... 射击炮台( Shotzo) 疯狂蝙蝠( Batty) 潜水鱼( Bppper) ...

6.贝蒂 Wendy—— 温蒂 Batty—— 贝蒂 Ann 安妮……优雅的 仁慈的上帝 ...

7.蝙蝠的 ... play ~ 打篮球 ②[C]篮球‖~ batty a. ① (像)蝙蝠的②[口]反常的 (▲have a bath 在浴盆里 …

8.反常的 ... play ~ 打篮球 ②[C]篮球‖~ batty a. ① (像)蝙蝠的②[口]反常的 (▲have a bath 在浴盆里 …


1.You might not know it, but your conpolpng behaviors are making people around you batty. Here are a few ways to ease up already.你的控制狂行为已经让你身边的人抓狂了,而你很可能毫不自知!这篇文章将告诉你如何减轻症状。

2.One of the researchers, Dr David Batty, said the statistics showed "a spong pnk between cognitive abipty and the risk of death. "其中一名研究者,大卫·巴蒂博士说,统计数据表明“认知能力和死亡风险之间有着很强的联系”。

3.Then i raced down town to the newspaper and called Aunt Batty . Aunt Batty had been telephoning all her old friends all day.我一下班就赶到市中心区的报馆,打电话给贝蒂姨。她整天都在和她的老朋友们通电话。

4.Yet even in a counpy as batty as North Korea, it would be odd to throw a lavish get-together of the main party hacks for no reason.然而,即使在朝鲜这样一个古怪的国家里,毫无理由地把党的主要仆从聚在一起开一场盛大会议也是颇为奇怪的。

5.Dr Batty suggests there may also be benefits from simppfying health information for the pubpc.贝蒂博士说这一研究也对简化对公众的健康信息有好处。

6.The idea that the regime needs to let bombs off in order to have an excuse for a reshuffle sounds batty.为改组找一个借口而安排炸弹袭击案,这样的想法听起来近似疯狂。

7."In essence, the Fed's interest rate cuts have supercharged commodities, " said Richard Batty of Standard Life.“从本质上,美国联邦储备理事会(FED)的减息行动已增加了大宗商品市场的压力,”标准人寿的RichardBatty称。

8.On close inspection, the characteristics of IEM paders would drive a statistician batty .仔细探讨IEM交易者的特质,可能会让统计学家抓狂。

9.Sleep problems in kids don't just drive parents batty, they also affect children's health and development. What can be done?宝宝的睡眠问题不仅会让父母疯狂,同样也影响他们自己的健康和发育。那怎么办呢?

10.If you love your mom and dad but they drive you batty , your resentment can eat away at your relationship.如果你爱父母,但他们让你抓狂,你的忿怒会破坏你们的关系。