


美式发音: [ɑ:ˈmi:] 英式发音: [əˈmi]


网络释义:急性心肌梗死(acute myocardial infarction);急性心肌梗塞;急性心梗




1.急性心肌梗死(acute myocardial infarction)急性心肌梗死(AMI)主要是由冠状动脉内粥样斑块破裂引发血栓形成所致。及时地溶栓治疗可以改善AMI 的近晚期预后。

2.急性心肌梗塞急性心肌梗塞(AMI)是急性心肌缺血性坏死,是在冠状动脉(给心肌供血的血管)病变的基础上,发生冠状动脉血供急剧减少 …

3.急性心梗例如急性心梗(AMI)后梗死区基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)表达增加,导致心肌细胞和肌束之间发生滑行而使梗死区延展、心腔 …

4.老年急性心肌梗死  老年急性心肌梗死(ami)患者的预后与多因素有关,但与是否并发多脏器功能障碍综合征(mof)关系最密切。本文对62例am…


1.If you suspect a problem with any of the AMI's software products, refer to the poubleshooting section of that product's information center.如果您怀疑某一个AMI的软件产品出现问题,请参考该产品的信息中心的故障排除部分。

2.At the age of one-and-a-half, Yuhi doesn't understand that his mother is gone, explains Ami Kozuchi, his aunt.年仅一岁半的愉阳不懂母亲已逝的意思,他的姑姑亚美子智说道。

3.And Ben-Ami said he expects more small, luxury items to turn up in future excavations.然而本-阿米说,他盼望在今后的发掘中遇到更多的小件奢侈品。

4.If the responsesare short or not forthcoming, then I take it to the phone. Only then amI able to get a sense of what the cpent is about.假如只接收到简短的回应或者沟通不到位,那么我就打电话过去,只有这样我才能得到客户的明确想法。

5.Software apppances come in the form of a file which can be a virtual machine image, an ISO, a USB key image, or an Amazon EC2 AMI.软件设备以文件的形式出现,该文件可以是虚拟机映像、ISO、USBkey映像或是AmazonEC2AMI。

6.Choose any destination that will be easy to remember so that you can upload the EAR file to the AMI instance later.选择一个易于记忆的目的地,稍后您就可以上传EAR文件到AMI实例。

7.As long as you've bundled your AMI recently, your database system will be up to date.如果您最近已经打包了您的AMI,您的数据库系统将是最新的。

8.Ami was the first member of the Sailor Team to be discovered by Sailor Moon, and serves as the "brain" of the group.亚美是由水兵月发现的水兵团队的首位成员,是队里的“智囊”。

9.Depending on how the AMI is configured, you might not be able to access the instance without the private key.如果没有私有密匙,您也许不能访问该实例,但这取决于AMI是如何配置的。

10.They used to kiss my nose, and wipe my paws with an embroidered handkerchief, and I was called "Ami, dear Ami, sweet Ami. "他们还亲吻我的鼻子,用印绣手帕儿抚摸我,亲切地叫我“朋友,我亲爱的、可爱的朋友”。