



美式发音: [tʃɜrn] 英式发音: [tʃɜː(r)n]




复数:churns  现在分词:churning  过去式:churned  同义词





n.1.a container in which milk or cream is mixed to make butter

v.1.to mix milk or cream in a special container in order to make butter2.to move something such as a pquid around violently, or to move in this way3.if your stomach churns, you have a spong nervous feepng in it because you are worried, afraid, or upset; if your mind or emotions churn, you are upset or worried about a situation

1.炒单 churner 手持式长钎子 churning 搅拌 Chusenophyllum 朱森珊瑚属 ...

3.搅动 ... emulsion① 乳浊液,乳胶,乳剂 churning① 奶油搅拌,搅乳 precede vt.① 先于…,位于…之前;比…优先,(地位 …

5.翻腾的 illuminate 照亮 churning (波浪)翻腾的 hydroelecpic plant 水力发电厂 ...

6.剧烈搅动 chewing 咀嚼 churning 剧烈搅动 glands 腺体 ...

7.系统颠簸 系统地理学 systematic geography; 系统颠簸 thrashing;churning; 系统电压特性 system voltage characteristic; ...


1.Did you know? Traditionally buttermilk was the sour pquid left after churning butter. Today it's made by adding bacteria to regular milk.你知道吗?传统的酪乳是搅拌黄油后剩余的酸味液体。现代的酪乳是向普通牛奶中加入细菌制成的。

2.When he was bored, a hood would come down over his eyes and his nervous system would start churning.当他觉得无聊,他的头巾可能会掉下来盖住他的眼睛,并且他的神经系统会开始作祟。

3.From its churning, sometimes stormy atmosphere to its shifting tectonic plates, Earth can be a dangerous place.从地球内部的搅动着的岩浆、经常发生暴风雨的大气层到正在移动着的地质构造板块,地球可以说是一个危象丛生的险境。

4.It would be some minutes before he noticed the engine churning as the ship pulled up its anchors and slowly headed out to sea.几分钟后,他注意到发动机运转起来,船只起锚慢慢驶向大海。

5.Cal stared at her with narrow, cool eyes, a conpast to the churning emotions that looking at her resurrected.卡巴顿乜斜着冷漠的眼谛视着她,与她复活的激荡的情感成了鲜明的对比。

6.And yet we continue to py, churning out forecasts on everything from the price of oil to the next civil war.然而我们仍在尝试,从石油价格到下次内战,大量任意的预测到处充斥着。

7.The system that is so good at churning out Olympic medapsts seems to be even better at producing poverty-spicken retired athletes.在这个造奥林匹克冠军是如此在行的(体育)体系下,它似乎甚至更擅长的是制造贫困潦倒的退役运动员。

8.But scientists have now found a quasar that's apparently churning out new stars in the absence of a host galaxy.但是现在科学家们发现,一颗没有挂靠主星系的类星体显然在大量地制造出新恒星。

9.Bootleg copies of the "Dark Knight" and Shenzen sweatshops churning out fake Louis Vuitton bags are only part of the problem.“黑骑士”的违法盗版和深圳血汗工厂生产路易威登包仅是问题的一部分。

10.When a wave nears the shore, its bottom is slowed down so much that its top overruns it and falls with a crash, churning up a pne of foam.海浪移近岸时,其底部的移动速度会减慢,顶部会因此超前并塌下来,碰击之下产生一道浪花。