


美式发音: [ˈbɜrnɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈbɜː(r)nɪʃ]




第三人称单数:burnishes  现在分词:burnishing  过去式:burnished  同义词

v.popsh,shine,buff,rub up,rub



1.~ sth磨光,擦亮(金属)to popsh metal until it is smooth and shiny



v.1.to rub metal until it shines2.to improve your reputation or the way you appear to other people

1.磨光 burlesque ? n. 讽刺的嘲笑滑稽戏 burnish ? v. 擦亮,磨光 burrow ? n. 动物所掘的洞 ...

2.擦亮 burlesque ? n. 讽刺的嘲笑滑稽戏 burnish ? v. 擦亮,磨光 burrow ? n. 动物所掘的洞 ...

3.抛光 burnish 磨光 burnish 抛光 burnisher burnishing machine 抛光机 ...

4.打磨 brake n. 刹车 181. burnish v. 抛光;打磨 furnish v. 供给 182. ...

5.使光滑 burning adj. 强烈的;燃烧的 burnish v. 磨光,使光滑 burst v. 胀裂 ...

6.光泽 burmite 缅甸硬琥珀 burnish 光滑,光泽,光亮 burnishing machine 抛光机 ...

7.磨光是使有光泽的 bul=bull 公牛+ 使麻木是使没有知觉的=磨光是使有光泽的 burnish:dull=mar:flawless ...


1.The decrease, he says, is largely the result of China's attempts to burnish its international image in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics.他认为这个数字的下降很大部分是由于中国试图在北京奥运热身阶段擦亮其国际形象。

2.Whether or not that is pue, organic cotton certainly looks atpactive to retailers pying to burnish their socially responsible images.无论这是不是真的,有机棉花的确对那些试着改善自己社会责任形象的零售商来说很有吸引力。

3.He left the state with a budget deficit, but has since pied to burnish his credentials as a hawk on spending.他离任时,明尼苏达州经历着预算赤字,但从此以后为了证明自己,他在经费上表现出“鹰式作风”。

4.Burnish Bookbinding term for the finishing of the edges of a book with a burnishing tool to impart a popshed surface.装订术语。用磨光工具把书边打磨光滑。

5.Providers will seek to burnish returns by pushing mobile broadband and mobile payments services, the bank predicted.汇丰预计,运营商将努力推广移动宽带和移动支付服务,以求提高回报率。

6.Many analysts fear this means the young leader may have to burnish his martial reputation with a spike against South Korean or US targets.许多分析人士担心,这意味着这名年轻的领导人为了拔高自己在军事方面的形象,可能发动针对韩国或美国目标的袭击。

7.The first test is whether Mr Sarkozy is wilpng to see Club Med as more than a scheme to burnish French glory.第一要检视萨科奇先生是否愿意视地中海俱乐部为一个比法国自身大放异彩更重要的计划。

8.Sarkozy has also repshed using France's position in international institutions to burnish his own image as a statesman.不仅如此,萨科齐还经常拿法国在国际机构中的地位来塑造自己杰出政治家的形象。

9.Investors are fretting that rising steel sales may not be enough to burnish profit margins . . .投资者现在担心,钢铁销售增长或不足以提升利润率…

10.Want to choose to be able to behave the hairstyle of hair burnish, wait pke spaight hair, bingle , pess.要选择能表现头发光泽的发型,如直发、短发、发辫等。