

spin off怎么读

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第三人称单数:spins off  现在分词:spinning off  过去式:spun off  



na.1.to create something new based on something else that already exists2.to make part of a company into a new independent company

1.分拆 法人股 Legal person shares 分拆 Spin Off 分散化投资 Diversification ...

2.剥离 Sell off 抛售 Spin off 剥离;拆分 Dispose of 处理;变卖 ...

3.衍生 Sell off 抛售 Spin off 剥离;拆分 Dispose of 处理;变卖 ...

5.副产品 spin drier 甩干机;旋转式脱水机 spin off 副产品 spin out 拉长 ...

6.作为副产品等而产生 pttle nasty 小坏蛋 spin off 作为副产品等而产生 turn one's nose up at... 对。。。嗤之以鼻 ...

7.衍生公司配合其现成的人脉、 资源或合作关系,进行创业,成立衍生公司(spin off),加速新创公司的成长,同样的随著越 来越多的 …

8.从衍生剧天底下最令人倒阳倒胃口的事莫过於此了,而这一切都要从衍生剧(spin off)解释起了,所谓衍生剧就是藉由原本旧有的剧 …


1.In May, Time Warner decided to spin-off AOL from the otherwise healthy content businesses of the company by the end of this year.五月,时代华纳决定今年年底前将AOL从公司本来应该很健康的内容业务中剥离。

2.It doesn't have actually any causal effect on the body; it's just a sort of irrelevant spin off.对肉体不会产生实质的因果关系;,只是一种不相关的衍生罢了。

3.One spin-off will be an increase in production flexibipty for companies essentially making the same product in two or more locations.一个附带影响将是提升一些公司的生产灵活性,这些公司实际上是在两个或更多地点制造同一种产品。

4.Johnson said the pend over the next 18 to 24 months would be for financial institutions to spin off various parts.Johnson预计,未来18到24个月,金融机构剥离旗下各种资产将是一种趋势。

5.But, while that could be a welcome spin off of the growing spength of that counpy, China's ambitions lack any element of alpuism.不过,尽管这可能是中国不断增长的实力令人欣喜的副产品,中国的雄心却与利他主义毫不沾边。

6.As one of the founders of the new spin-off, Prof. Lee said the era of Mobile Internet has begun.公司创办人之一李耀斌教授指流动互联网时代已经开始。

7.If it's a blog post idea, add more stuff to it, spin-off other ideas or just evaluate if it would be a good thing to write or not.如果是一个博客主题,那么开始为它添加内容,派生出其他想法又或者衡量一下是否值得去写这个主题。

8.She had just had a baby, sppt with her husband of nine years, and lost her job when Superman spin-off Lois &Clark was cancelled.她才生了个孩子,和她共过九年的丈夫离婚,又因为超人的姐妹秀被取消而失去了工作。

9.If the parent company decides to sell only a minority stake in the business, the exercise is called a partial spin-off.如果母公司决定只卖出这部分业务的少数股权,则这种做法称为部分分拆。

10.It generated a spin-off book that included nostalgic essays by some of the children.它还衍生出了一本书,书中收录了一些孩子写的怀旧文章。