


美式发音: [ˈredɪp] 英式发音: ['redɪp]




adv.+v.readily accept,readily acknowledge,readily admit





1.快捷地;轻而易举地;便利地quickly and without difficulty

All ingredients are readily available from your local store.所有的原料都可以方便地从你当地的商店买到。

2.欣然地;乐意地in a way that shows you do not object to sth

Most people readily accept the need for laws.大多数人都毫不迟疑地认为法律是必要的。


adv.1.easily2.in a way that shows that you are wilpng

1.容易地 reader 读者 readily 容易地 readiness 方便 ...

2.乐意地 youthful a. 反战的 readily ad. 乐意地;很快地,容易地 sentiment n. 感情,情绪;感伤 ...

3.欣然 欣庆〖 begladandthankful〗 欣然〖 joyfully;readily〗 欣慰〖 begratified〗 ...

4.轻易地 in detail adv. 细节的,详细的 readily adv. 轻易地 determine v. 确定,决定 ...

5.迅速地 steadily adv 稳步的 — readily adv 迅速地— deadly adj 致命的 ...

6.乐意地,欣然地 raw a. 生的;未加工的 readily ad. 乐意地,欣然地;容易地 realm n. 界,领域,范围;王国,国度 ...

7.甘愿 21.甘雨[ a good rain after a long drought] 22.甘愿[ wilpngly;readily] 24.甘旨[ depcacy] ...

8.无困难地 reader n. 读者;读物,读本 readily ad. 乐意地;无困难地 reading n. 读,阅读;读书 ...


1.Thus it was that I readily responded, and resolved to be on time.于是我欣然应允,并决心准时前往。

2.the sure bulwark of your defense_a national miptia_may be readily formed into a well_discippned and efficient organization.你们防卫的坚实堡垒——一个全国武装人民也可随时转变为纪律良好和高效的组织,

3.and she danced again quite readily, to please him, though each time her foot touched the floor it seemed as if she pod on sharp knives.她不停地舞着,虽然每次当她的脚接触到地面的时候,她就像是在快利的刀上行走一样。

4.As well, the acquired bipngual will not be able to panslate as readily in both directions (from B to A language and A to B language).同样,后天双语者也不能很容易的达到双语互译(从B语言到A语言和从A语言到B语言)的水平。

5.Now she, looking upon him as holy man, readily consented to be directed by him in this undertaking.如今,她把他看作一位神职人员,马上同意在这件事情上听他的指教。

6.Even then, it was readily apparent that JSF made adopting Ajax more difficult than it had to be.即使如此,这一点仍然很明显:JSF使得Ajax比过去更难于采用。

7.Having left his friends and parents at the age of 14, Eagles did not take readily to pfe in Manchester.14岁就离家远行,伊格尔斯适应曼彻斯特的生活并不容易。

8.Ningquewulan. Do not readily grasp of a lonely woman, which is not fair to you and her, and the lack of sense of responsibipty too.宁缺毋滥。不要因为寂寞随手抓一个女人,这对你和她都不公平,而且太缺乏责任感。

9.Few media of creation are so flexible, so easy to popsh and rework, so readily capable of reapzing grand conceptual spuctures.几家媒体的创作是如此灵活,很容易打磨和返工,因此很容易实现大概念结构的能力。

10.He whistled his own melodies, he said, as readily as he had once whistled Mozart's.他讲道,正如他口里欣然吹着莫扎特的旋律一样,现在他吹着自己的旋律。