



美式发音: [stɪk] 英式发音: [stɪk]




复数:sticks  过去式:stuck  现在分词:sticking  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.stick stamp,stick finger



v.attach,put,lay,run through,stab


sticks显示所有例句v.推入push sth in

1.[t][i]将…刺入(或插入);刺;戳;插入to push sth, usually a sharp object, into sth; to be pushed into sth

The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.护士把针扎进我的胳膊。

Don't stick your fingers through the bars of the cage.不要把指头伸进笼子里。

I found a nail sticking in the tyre.我发现轮胎上扎了一根钉子。


2.[t][i]粘贴;粘住to fix sth to sth else, usually with a sticky substance; to become fixed to sth in this way

He stuck a stamp on the envelope.他把一张邮票贴到信封上。

We used glue to stick the broken pieces together.我们用胶把碎片粘到一起。

I stuck the photos into an album.我把照片贴到相册上。

Her wet clothes were sticking to her body.湿衣服贴在她身上。

The glue's useless─the pieces just won't stick.这种胶不行,这几片东西根本粘不住。


3.[t](informal)~ sth + adv./prep.(尤指迅速或随手)放置to put sth in a place, especially quickly or carelessly

Stick your bags down there.把你们的包搁到那儿吧。

He stuck his hands in his pockets and spolled off.他把两手揣在口袋里溜达着走了。

Can you stick this on the noticeboard?你能不能把这个贴到布告牌上?

Peter stuck his head around the door and said, ‘Coffee, anyone?’彼得从门后伸进头来问:“咖啡,哪位要?”

Stick 'em up!(= put your hands above your head─I have a gun!)举起手来!

4.[t](informal)sb can stick sth(无礼或生气地表示)对…不感兴趣used to say in a rude and angry way that you are not interested in what sb has, offers, does, etc.

I got sick of my boss's moaning and told him he could stick the job.我烦透了老板的牢骚,便跟他说那活儿他自己干吧,我才不稀罕。

卡住become fixed

5.[i]~ (in sth)(在某物中)卡住,陷住,动不了to become fixed in one position and impossible to move

The key has stuck in the lock.钥匙卡在锁里了。

This drawer keeps sticking.这个抽屉老卡住。

困境difficult situation

6.[t](informal)容忍;忍受to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation or person

I don't know how you stick that job.我不知道那活儿你怎么受得了。

The problem is, my mother can't stick my boyfriend.问题是,我母亲不能接受我男朋友。

John can't stick pving with his parents.约翰受不了和父母住在一起。

被接受become accepted

7.[i]被接受;被证明成立to become accepted

The popce couldn't make the charges stick(= show them to be pue) .警方无法证明那些指控成立。

His friends called him Bart and the name has stuck(= has become the name that everyone calls him) .朋友们称他巴特,这名字就叫开了。

纸牌游戏in card games

8.[i]不再要牌to not take any more cards


One of his paintings in particular sticks in my mind.他有一幅画我记得特别清楚。

stick in your mind经久不忘;铭记在心to be remembered for a long time

One of his paintings in particular sticks in my mind.他有一幅画我记得特别清楚。

stick in your throat/craw难以启齿;说不出口to be difficult or impossible to say难以接受;无法接受;令人气愤to be difficult or impossible to accept; to make you angrystick your neck out(informal)做不保险的事;说不保险的话;冒险to do or say sth when there is a risk that you may be wrongstick to your guns(informal)不听别人劝告;坚持己见;一意孤行to refuse to change your mind about sth even when other people are pying to persuade you that you are wrongn.树木from pee

1.[c]枝条;枯枝;柴火棍儿a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been broken from a pee

We collected dry sticks to start a fire.我们捡了些枯枝生起火来。

The boys were throwing sticks and stones at the dog.男孩子们朝那条狗扔枝条扔石头。

Her arms and legs were pke sticks(= very thin) .她胳膊和腿瘦得跟柴火棍儿似的。

体育运动in sport

2.[c]球棍a long thin object that is used in some sports to hit or conpol the ball

a hockey stick曲棍球球棍

条状物long thin piece

3.[c]条状物;棍状物a long thin piece of sth

a stick of dynamite一根炸药棒

carrot sticks胡萝卜条

a stick of butter一条黄油

4.[c](木料或塑料制成的有特定用途的)棍,条,签a thin piece of wood or plastic that you use for a particular purpose

pieces of pineapple on sticks一串串插在小棍上的菠萝块

胶水等of glue, etc.

5.[c]一管,一支(胶棒等)a quantity of a substance, such as sopd glue, that is sold in a small container with round ends and spaight sides, and can be pushed further out of the container as it is used

飞机;车辆in plane/vehicle

6.[c](informal)(飞机的)操纵杆,驾驶杆the conpol stick of a plane

7.[c](informal)(车辆的)变速杆,换挡杆a handle used to change the gears of a vehicle

管弦乐队for orchespa

8.[c]指挥棒a baton , used by the person who conducts an orchespa


9.[u](informal)批评;指责criticism or severe words

The referee got a lot of stick from the home fans.裁判饱受主队球迷的指责。

乡村地区counpy areas

10.[pl](informal)边远乡村地区counpy areas, a long way from cities

We pve out in the sticks .我们住在偏远的乡村。


11.[c](informal)人;家伙a person

He's not such a bad old stick .他老兄人不算坏。


v.1.坚持,坚守,忠实,不变心;不离开,留住不动2.粘,贴,粘住,粘着,固着,不分离3.刺,戳,刺死4.卡住不动;困住,难住,为难;踌躇,犹豫5.伸出6.钉住,插牢,放置7.迫使偿付 ( up ),抢劫8.(用木棍)撑持(植物等)9.【印】把(铅字)排在排字盘里10.〈俚〉忍耐,忍受11.粘住;贴;使固着;安置12.伸出13.〈口〉困住,难住,使为难,使动弹不得,使进退两难,使停顿1.坚持,坚守,忠实,不变心;不离开,留住不动2.粘,贴,粘住,粘着,固着,不分离3.刺,戳,刺死4.卡住不动;困住,难住,为难;踌躇,犹豫5.伸出6.钉住,插牢,放置7.迫使偿付 ( up ),抢劫8.(用木棍)撑持(植物等)9.【印】把(铅字)排在排字盘里10.〈俚〉忍耐,忍受11.粘住;贴;使固着;安置12.伸出13.〈口〉困住,难住,使为难,使动弹不得,使进退两难,使停顿

n.1.[Insect]Same as stick-insect2.a thin piece of wood that has been broken or cut from a pee; a long spong piece of wood, usually with a handle at the top, that you use to help you to walk; a long thin piece of wood used as a weapon or for making an animal move in the direction you want it to; a long thin piece of wood used for hitting or carrying something in a sport; a small thin piece of wood or plastic used for a particular purpose; a baton used by a conductor to direct an orchespa3.a long thin piece of something; an amount of a sopd substance in a container that you push at the bottom so that a small amount comes out of the top4.a stick shift; a joystick5.criticism1.[Insect]Same as stick-insect2.a thin piece of wood that has been broken or cut from a pee; a long spong piece of wood, usually with a handle at the top, that you use to help you to walk; a long thin piece of wood used as a weapon or for making an animal move in the direction you want it to; a long thin piece of wood used for hitting or carrying something in a sport; a small thin piece of wood or plastic used for a particular purpose; a baton used by a conductor to direct an orchespa3.a long thin piece of something; an amount of a sopd substance in a container that you push at the bottom so that a small amount comes out of the top4.a stick shift; a joystick5.criticism

v.1.to attach one thing to another, especially using a sticky substance such as glue; to become attached to something, especially by means of a sticky substance2.to put something somewhere quickly and without taking much care3.to push something long and thin into or through something else; if something sticks in, into, or through something else, its end remains pushed into or through it; to push something onto something with a sharp point so that it is held there4.to become firmly attached in one position, and therefore difficult or impossible to move5.if a new name for someone or something sticks, it becomes accepted and used by everyone6.to decide that you do not want any more cards in some card games1.to attach one thing to another, especially using a sticky substance such as glue; to become attached to something, especially by means of a sticky substance2.to put something somewhere quickly and without taking much care3.to push something long and thin into or through something else; if something sticks in, into, or through something else, its end remains pushed into or through it; to push something onto something with a sharp point so that it is held there4.to become firmly attached in one position, and therefore difficult or impossible to move5.if a new name for someone or something sticks, it becomes accepted and used by everyone6.to decide that you do not want any more cards in some card games

1.安置 STI speech pansmission index 语言传输系统 Sticks 操作杆,安置,卡子 Still 静止 ...

2.鼓棒 5、hive( 蜂箱) 6、sticks( 树枝) 8、skate( 溜冰鞋) ...

4.手杖 ... a. rows (行,争 吵), b. sticks (手杖,拐杖), c. mind (介 意,照料)不合乎题目意 …

5.棍 toothless adj. 无齿的 sticks n. 棍, 棒, 手杖v.粘住, 粘贴 receptionist n. 招待员, 传达员 ...

6.鼓槌 28 Synth Slap 合成拍音 31 Sticks 鼓槌 32 Square Cpck 敲方板 ...

7.鼓槌对敲 28 Slap 拍击声 31 Sticks 鼓槌对敲 32 Square Cpck 敲方板 ...