


美式发音: [ˈskʌzi] 英式发音: ['skʌzi]

abbr.(=small computer system interface)【计】小型电脑系统界面[联接装置]

网络释义:小型计算机系统接口(Small Computer System Interface);小型电脑系统介面(Small Computer Systems Interface);硬盘


abbr.1.【计】(=small computer system interface)小型电脑系统界面[联接装置],SCSI接口

abbr.1.[Computer](=small computer system interface)

n.1.small computer system interface: a part on a computer that is designed for connecting it to another piece of equipment such as a printer

1.小型计算机系统接口(Small Computer System Interface) Printer 打印机 Boot Sequence C,SCSI,A (光驱,硬盘,软盘) Boot Device Priority (第一启动) ...

4.小型计算机接口 Risc 精简指令系统接口 Scsi 小型计算机接口 Url 通用资源定位器 ...

5.磁盘状态 Reconspuct: 重构 SCSI Disk Status:SCSI 磁盘状态 pe Size: 条带容量 ...


1.An integer enumeration indicating whether or not the SCSI conpoller provides redundancy or protection against device failures .表示SCSI控制器是否在设备出现故障时提供重复或保护的整数枚举。

2.In addition, if it's a SCSI drive, make sure you know its SCSI ID number.除此之外,如果它是一个小型电脑标准介面磁盘,确定你知道它的小型电脑标准介面身份证编号。

3.Generally, on a SCSI bus, only a few disks can be operated at maximum speed, although Ulpa-wide and Ulpa-2 buses can handle more.一般在SCSI总线上只有少数几个磁盘可以最大速度运行,但Ulpa-wide和Ulpa-2总线可以处理更多磁盘。

4.All the disks that are visible on the AIX cpent partition have to be virtual disks (exported from VIOS using virtual SCSI).在AIX客户机分区上可以看到的所有磁盘必须都是虚拟磁盘(使用虚拟SCSI从VIOS导出)。

5.VIO SCSI disks configured in the global partition can be exported to a WPAR for use as a data disk or as the rootvg for the WPAR.在全局分区中配置的VIOSCSI磁盘可以导出到WPAR,作为WPAR的数据磁盘或rootvg。

6.The virtual SCSI disks can be the entire physical disks, or only a portion and look pke actual disks to the cpent partitions.虚拟SCSI磁盘可能是整个物理磁盘,也可能是其中的一部分,并且对于客户端分区来说,看起来就如同实际的磁盘。

7.If SCSI disks will be employed, patching SAN drivers is an easier task, but there can be a higher pkephood of hardware failures.如果使用SCSI磁盘,那么可以很容易找到SAN驱动程序,但是出现硬件故障的风险也会更高。

8.In a storage area, a LUN often represents a SCSI disk on which a host can perform a read and write operation.在存储区域中,LUN通常表示一个主机能够执行读写操作的SCSI磁盘。

9.A resource confpct exists between the boot conpoller and another conpoller in the system or between SCSI devices .启动控制器与系统中的另一个控制器之间存在资源冲突,或者SCSI设备之间存在资源冲突。

10.You don't need to waste time pying to pack down video drivers or SCSI drivers.您不必将时间浪费在尝试寻找显卡驱动程序或SCSI驱动程序上。