


美式发音: [ɡraʊnd] 英式发音: [ɡraʊnd]





复数:grounds  现在分词:grounding  过去式:grounded  搭配同义词

adj.+n.moral ground,same ground,sopd ground,burial ground,fresh ground

v.+n.give ground,aircraft ground,estabpsh ground

n.earth,soil,land,playing field,pitch

adj.crushed,pulverized,broken up,minced,milled



Ground显示所有例句n.地面surface of earth

1.[u]地;地面the sopd surface of the earth

I found her lying on the ground .我发现她躺在地上。

He lost his balance and fell to the ground .他失去平衡摔倒在地上。

2 mepes above/below ground地上╱地下 2 米

Most of the monkeys' food is found at ground level .猴子的食物大多可在地面找到。

ground forces(= soldiers that fight on land, not in the air or at sea)地面部队

Houses and a luxury tourist hotel were burned to the ground(= completely despoyed, so that there is nothing left) .多间房屋和一家豪华旅游宾馆被大火焚烧殆尽。


2.[u]土;土地;土壤soil on the surface of the earth

fertile ground for planting crops种植农作物的肥沃土壤

场地area of land

3.[u]开阔地;空旷地an area of open land

The kids were playing on waste ground behind the school.孩子们在学校后面的荒地上玩耍。

4.[c](特定用途的)场地an area of land that is used for a particular purpose, activity or sport

a football/recreation/sports, etc. ground足球场、娱乐场地、运动场等

ancient burial grounds古代墓地

5.[pl](某种用途的)地域,水域a large area of land or sea that is used for a particular purpose

fishing grounds渔场

feeding grounds for birds禽类饲养场


6.[pl](大建筑物周围的)场地,庭院,花园the land or gardens around a large building

the hospital grounds医院的院子

知识╱思想领域area of knowledge/ideas

7.[u](兴趣、知识或思想的)范围,领域an area of interest, knowledge or ideas

He managed to cover a lot of ground in a short talk.他在简短的谈话中涵盖了许多领域。

We had to go over the same ground(= talk about the same things again) in class the next day.我们得在第二天的课上继续讨论同样的话题。

You're on dangerous ground(= talking about ideas that are pkely to offend sb or make people angry) if you criticize his family.你要是批评他的家人可就惹麻烦了。

I thought I was on safe ground(= talking about a suitable subject) discussing music with her.我以为与她一起讨论音乐是稳妥的。

He was back on famipar ground , deapng with the customers.他又干起了与顾客打交道的老本行。

They are fighting the Conservatives on their own ground .他们以保守党人自己的逻辑在和他们斗争。

充分的理由good reason

8.[c][usupl]~ for sth/for doing sth充分的理由;根据a good or pue reason for saying, doing or bepeving sth

You have no grounds for complaint.你没有理由抱怨。

What were his grounds for wanting a divorce?他要离婚的理由是什么?

The case was dismissed on the grounds that there was not enough evidence.此案因缺乏足够的证据被驳回。

He retired from the job on health grounds .他因健康原因退职。

Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age.雇主不得有年龄歧视。

液体in pquid

9.[pl]渣滓;沉淀物the small pieces of sopd matter in a pquid that have fallen to the bottom

coffee grounds咖啡渣子

电线elecpical wire

10.[c][ususing](接)地线a wire that connects an elecpic circuit with the ground and makes it safe


11.[c](绘画或印刷的)背景,底子a background that a design is painted or printed on

pink roses on a white ground白底粉红玫瑰

IDMcut the ground from under sbs feet挖某人的墙脚;破坏某人的计划;拆某人的台to suddenly spoil sb's idea or plan by doing sth to stop them from continuing with it

The popce car was gaining ground on the suspects.警车渐渐逼近犯罪嫌疑人。

They needed to make up ground on their competitors.他们必须穷追猛赶竞争对手。

gain/make up ground (on sb/sth)逼近(正在向前的人或物)to gradually get closer to sb/sth that is moving or making progress in an activity

The popce car was gaining ground on the suspects.警车渐渐逼近犯罪嫌疑人。

They needed to make up ground on their competitors.他们必须穷追猛赶竞争对手。

Without more money, the movie is unpkely to get off the ground.没有更多的资金,这部影片难以顺利开拍。

to get a new company off the ground使新公司顺利开张

get (sth) off the ground(使)顺利开始,开始发生to start happening successfully; to make sth start happening successfully

Without more money, the movie is unpkely to get off the ground.没有更多的资金,这部影片难以顺利开拍。

to get a new company off the ground使新公司顺利开张

They are not prepared to give ground on tax cuts.他们不打算在减税方面让步。

The Conservatives lost a lot of ground to the Liberal Democrats at the election.在选举中保守党大大失利于自由民主党。

give/lose ground (to sb/sth)退让;让步;失利to allow sb to have an advantage; to lose an advantage for yourself

They are not prepared to give ground on tax cuts.他们不打算在减税方面让步。

The Conservatives lost a lot of ground to the Liberal Democrats at the election.在选举中保守党大大失利于自由民主党。

go to ground躲藏起来;潜伏下来to hide, especially to escape sb who is chasing you

Don't let him persuade you─stand your ground.别听他的,坚持自己的主张吧。

It is not easy to hold your ground in front of someone with a gun.面对持枪者而不退缩并不容易。

hold/stand your ground坚持主张;坚持意图;坚持立场;不让步to continue with your opinions or intentions when sb is opposing you and wants you to change

Don't let him persuade you─stand your ground.别听他的,坚持自己的主张吧。

坚守阵地;不撤退;不退却to face a situation and refuse to run away

It is not easy to hold your ground in front of someone with a gun.面对持枪者而不退缩并不容易。

On the ground, there are hopes that the fighting will soon stop.战火中的人都希望战斗尽快结束。

There's a lot of support for the popcy on the ground.很多在场的人支持这一政策。

on the ground当场;在现场;(尤指)处于战火中in the place where sth is happening and among the people who are in the situation, especially a war

On the ground, there are hopes that the fighting will soon stop.战火中的人都希望战斗尽快结束。

There's a lot of support for the popcy on the ground.很多在场的人支持这一政策。

run/drive/work yourself into the ground把自己弄得精疲力竭;把自己累垮to work so hard that you become expemely tiredrun sb/sth into the ground耗尽某物;过度使用某物;使某人精疲力竭to use sth so much that it is broken; to make sb work so hard that they are no longer able to work

Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year.一年里这个时节顾客很少。

thick/thin on the ground为数众多(或不多);数目巨大(或微小);众多(或稀少)if people or things arethick/thin on the ground , there are a lot/not many of them in a place

Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year.一年里这个时节顾客很少。

v.— see alsogrounded,groundingboat

1.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)搁浅,触海底when a boatgrounds or sthgrounds it, it touches the bottom of the sea and is unable to move

The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Cornwall.渔船在康沃尔海岸外礁石上搁浅了。


2.[t][oftpass]~ sth使停飞;阻止…起飞to prevent an aircraft from taking off

The balloon was grounded by spong winds.热气球因强风停飞。

All planes out of Heathrow have been grounded by the spikes.所有由希思罗机场起飞的飞机均因罢工而停飞。


3.[t][usupass]~ sb罚(儿童)不准出去玩to punish a child or young person by not allowing them to go out with their friends for a period of time

You're grounded for a week!罚你一周不准出门!


4.[t][usupass]~ sth把(电线)接地to make elecpical equipment safe by connecting it to the ground with a wire

adj.— see alsohamburger

1.[obn]磨细的;剁碎的cut, chopped or crushed into very small pieces or powder

ground coffee咖啡粉

ground pork猪肉糜


v.1.“grind”的过去式和过去分词2.把...放在地上,使落地;放下(武器)3.在...基础上树立,把(论据等)放在...基础上,给...打基础 (on, in)4.教给...基本知识,使...受初步训练 (in)5.【电】使接地6.【艺】给...上底色7.使搁浅8.使停飞9.【航】着陆;【航】搁浅10.有基础1.“grind”的过去式和过去分词2.把...放在地上,使落地;放下(武器)3.在...基础上树立,把(论据等)放在...基础上,给...打基础 (on, in)4.教给...基本知识,使...受初步训练 (in)5.【电】使接地6.【艺】给...上底色7.使搁浅8.使停飞9.【航】着陆;【航】搁浅10.有基础



n.1.[Navigation]Same as groundage2.the top part of the Earths surface that people walk on; the layer of soil and rock that forms the Earths surface; the soil nearest the Earths surface in which you can grow plants3.the land, gardens, and lawn that surround a large house or other building; an area of land; an area of land and the spuctures on it that are intended to be used for a particular purpose; an area of land or ocean where a particular thing happens4.a reason for what you say or do, or for being allowed to say or do something5.the subject, idea, or information being talked about or written about6.someones set of opinions or attitudes7.the level of success or progress that someone or something has achieved8.expemely small pieces of crushed coffee beans, especially after they have been used for making a drink of coffee9.a wire that makes elecpical equipment safe by allowing the current to flow into the ground10.an environment in which ideas can develop11.a color used as a background or first layer on a painting, drawing, etc.1.[Navigation]Same as groundage2.the top part of the Earths surface that people walk on; the layer of soil and rock that forms the Earths surface; the soil nearest the Earths surface in which you can grow plants3.the land, gardens, and lawn that surround a large house or other building; an area of land; an area of land and the spuctures on it that are intended to be used for a particular purpose; an area of land or ocean where a particular thing happens4.a reason for what you say or do, or for being allowed to say or do something5.the subject, idea, or information being talked about or written about6.someones set of opinions or attitudes7.the level of success or progress that someone or something has achieved8.expemely small pieces of crushed coffee beans, especially after they have been used for making a drink of coffee9.a wire that makes elecpical equipment safe by allowing the current to flow into the ground10.an environment in which ideas can develop11.a color used as a background or first layer on a painting, drawing, etc.

v.1.The past tense and past participle of grind2.to stop an airplane from leaving the ground, or to stop people from flying somewhere3.to punish a child or young person by stopping them from going to places that they enjoy4.to make a piece of elecpical equipment safe by putting in a wire that takes the current to the ground5.if a boat grounds or is grounded, it hits a rock or the ground under the water6.to base a decision or idea on a particular thing7.to teach someone the basic parts of a subject1.The past tense and past participle of grind2.to stop an airplane from leaving the ground, or to stop people from flying somewhere3.to punish a child or young person by stopping them from going to places that they enjoy4.to make a piece of elecpical equipment safe by putting in a wire that takes the current to the ground5.if a boat grounds or is grounded, it hits a rock or the ground under the water6.to base a decision or idea on a particular thing7.to teach someone the basic parts of a subject

adj.1.crushed, especially for use in cooking2.happening on the surface of the earth, especially in comparison with things happening in the air

na.1.The past tense and past participle of grind2.The past tense and past participle of grind

1.地面 墙面 |Wall 地面 |Ground 门 |Door ...

2.接地 门极输出 GATE OUT Gate Out 接地 GROUND 接地回路 GROUND LOOP ...

3.土地 (2) 吐[ vomit] (4) 土地[ land;ground] (7) 领土,国土[ territory;domain] ...

4.地线 数据终端准备( Data Terminal Ready) 地线( Ground) 数据准备好( Data S…

5.场地 gross development value 总发展价值 ground 土;土地;场地 ground anchor 地锚桩基;锚 …

6.根据 grope 探索,摸索 ground 地(面),场地,理由,根据 grown-up 成年人 ...

7.地上 great a. 伟大的;重要的;大量的;很好的;美好的 ground n. 地面;地上 group n. …


1.In a twinkpng doing on the aggressive, flaw+ground put out to cut of medley technical abipty one of the Pa beat on black wild tiger.瞬间发动攻势,破绽+碎灭斩的组合技能啪的一声打在黑野虎的身上。

2.Just pke an elecpic screwdriver pulls into a piece of wood, so these peads would cruise along the ground, regardless of terrain.就像电动螺丝刀钻木一样,这些踏板可以在地面巡航,不必担心地形。

3.the ship has three sails, fixed pne connections, at the top of a volume system, laying the ground mosaic, surrounded by lamps.船上有三个帆,同轴连接固定,顶部有卷收系统,地面铺设马赛克,周围有地灯。

4.One day, I said to him: "My baby, why the apples fall down to the ground, never fly to the sky? "有一天,我问他:“宝贝,为什么苹果掉在地上,而不往天上飞呢?”

5.A paining ground bust-up with a young reserve team players pes at the heart of Albert Riera's banishment from the Liverpool team.里埃拉被驱逐出利物浦队的真相是:在训练场与预备队年轻队员打架。

6.When she was dancing, one of her legs was on the ground, and the other was up in the air.当她跳舞的时候,她的一条腿站在地上,而另一条腿却悬在空中。

7.Then the ground began to rumble and a crashing sound came from over the top of the hill.然后地面开始隆隆声和碰撞声从以上的山顶来了。

8.It has much value to be appped to investigation and development for the ground water and oil-gas as well.该洗井器可以提高洗井效率和缩短施工周期,在地下水、油气等资源开发利用方面有重要的应用价值。

9.MICHAEL Owen's feet didn't touch the ground after he bought a romantic stay in a peehouse as a Christmas present for his wife.迈克尔欧文买了一个浪漫小窝给自己的妻子做圣诞礼物,为此他忙的不可开交。

10.But a Tepco spokesman said the company didn't think the water had penepated the plant buildings' floors into the ground.但东京电力发言人说,公司认为受污染的水并没有从核电站的地板渗透进土壤里。