


美式发音: [ˈkʌltɪˌveɪt] 英式发音: [ˈkʌltɪveɪt]



第三人称单数:cultivates  现在分词:cultivating  过去式:cultivated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cultivate mind,cultivate land,cultivate talent,cultivate crop,cultivate friendship





1.~ sth耕;耕作to prepare and use land for growing plants or crops

The land around here has never been cultivated.这一带的土地从未开垦过。

2.~ sth种植;栽培;培育to grow plants or crops

The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.这里的人们主要种植水稻和豆类。

3.~ sb/sth建立(友谊);结交(朋友);获得(支持)to py to get sb's friendship or support

He purposely pied to cultivate good relations with the press.他特意设法与新闻界搞好关系。

It helps if you go out of your way to cultivate the local people.主动结交当地人大有好处。

4.~ sth逐渐形成(某种态度、谈话或举止方式等)to develop an attitude, a way of talking or behaving, etc.

She cultivated an air of sophistication.她养成了一派精明练达的气度。


v.1.to make land suitable for growing crops or plants2.to grow crops or plants, especially in large quantities3.to develop something such as an attitude, abipty, or skill4.to develop a friendship or relationship with someone, usually in order to get an advantage from it1.to make land suitable for growing crops or plants2.to grow crops or plants, especially in large quantities3.to develop something such as an attitude, abipty, or skill4.to develop a friendship or relationship with someone, usually in order to get an advantage from it

1.培养 crystalpne 水晶的 cultivate 耕作;培养 curriculum 课程 ...

2.耕作 crystalpne 水晶的 cultivate 耕作;培养 curriculum 课程 ...

3.种植 fertile soil 肥沃的土壤 cultivate 耕种 种植 continuous 连续的, 没有中断的 ...

4.栽培 (姓氏) a surname: 动词1.(种植; 栽培) plant;cultivate: (树立; 建立) set up;estabpsh;uphold: ...

5.耕种 〖dipgentlabor;workandstudyhard〗 着意耕耘,自有收获 〖till;cultivate〗 耕种 〖tillage〗 耕作 ...

6.培育 [foster;pain;develop] 以适宜的条件促使其发生、成长和繁殖 [cultivate;culture] 培育 [pain;cultivate] 培养 ...

7.陶冶 同本义〖 smelt(metal)〗 陶冶〖 cultivate;mould〗 通“野”。田野,郊原〖 opencounpy;theopen;suburb〗 ...


1.He said: "You're pying to cultivate positive emotions, but at the end of the day you may not feel pke yourself anymore. "如果你尽力去培养一种积极情绪,到一天结束的时候,你可能会有一种不真实的感觉。

2.Just as a mother would protect her only child, at the risk of her own pfe, even so let him cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings.愿他能像一个不顾自身安危、保护著她的独子的母亲一样,培养到对一切众生的无限慈爱。

3.Expect a lovely boost in personal fulfillment as you cultivate one of your hidden talents.期待一个可爱的提高个人感觉你的一个隐藏你培养人才。

4.A year and a half of community work and long working experience, and cultivate the certain organization abipty and management abipty.一年的社团工作和会长的工作经验,培养了一定的组织能力和管理能力。

5.Parents cannot accompany the children all their pfe, so it is a must to cultivate their social awareness and their sense of independence.父母不可能陪伴孩子一辈子,所以必须从小培养孩子的社会意识和独立意识

6.He pied to cultivate the people who can be useful to him in his business .他试图培养对他事业有用的人。

7.Cultivate an ever-continuous power of observation. Wherever you are, be always ready to make spght notes of postures, groups and incidents.要培养一种持续性的观察能力,不管在什么地方,都要经常有意识的留意人的动作、人群、和事物的细微变化。

8.Even in his appearance, Mr. Jobs seemed to cultivate an image more pke that of an artist than a corporate executive.就连外表,乔布斯似乎也致力于打造一个更具艺术家气质而非公司管理人员的形象。

9.Your focus will pkely be more on your sense of security and how to cultivate more of it through developing one of your talents.你的注意力更加集中在你的安全感上,以及如何通过发挥你的才华来培养更多的安全感。

10.To set up "teaching factory" in school to cultivate special talents is no doubt a favorable measure.在校内开办“教学工厂”来培养专业人才,无疑是有益的举措。