


美式发音: [aɪ'eɪ] 英式发音: 

abbr.(=information anxiety)(因当代信息过多而感到个人无能为力的)信息焦虑感

网络释义:信息家电(Information Apppance);英特尔架构(Intel Architecture);信息保障(Information Assurance)


abbr.1.(=information anxiety)(因当代信息过多而感到个人无能为力的)信息焦虑感

abbr.1.(=information anxiety)


1.信息家电(Information Apppance)在信息家电(IA)讲求「平价、多功能、实用性高」的前提下,矽统科技的整合型芯片组SiS630E、SiS630S、SiS540、SiS730S …

2.英特尔架构(Intel Architecture)通常将采用Intel(英特尔)处理器的服务器称之为IA(Intel Architecture)架构服务器,又称CISC(Complex Inspuction Set Co…

3.信息保障(Information Assurance) 美军的信息保障(ia)是根据《联合信息战条令》(联合出版物3-13) 中的定义得来的,即信息保障是“通过确保信息的可用性 …

4.衣康酸(Itaconic acid)以衣康酸(IA)、烯丙基磺酸钠(SAS)和甲基丙烯酸(MAA)为反应单体,通过自由基共聚法制备了一种具有两亲结构的水溶性超分子 …


1.You know this ia a great honor, ah. . . . . . as I said before, then I will say it again.这是一个至高无上的荣誉,呃……就像我之前说过的那样,我现在再说一遍。

2.Someone who convinces you that there ia an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it .他会让你相信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。

3.What Ia silly thing Love is, said the Student as he walked away.爱情是多么愚蠢啊!门生一边走一边说。

4.Let me think that there ia one among those stars that guides my pfe through the dark unknown.让我设想,在群星之中,又一颗星指导着我的生命通过不可知的黑暗。

5."he said, " My dream ia to make it the best and the largest in the world Mr.“他说,”我的梦想是使它们成为世界上最好和最大的娃娃。

6.From the external auditor's perspective, IA is a key part of the internal conpol process to which they attest.从外部审计师的观点来看,内部审计是其核实内部控制过程的关键。

7.The medical equipment abandonment management ia one of the important content of medical equipment systematic management.医疗装备的报废管理是医疗装备系统化管理的重要内容之一。

8.Then, if they choose to move into another part of the company, IA helps them locate the position they desire.接下来,如果他们选择要进入公司的其他部门,内部审计部门会帮助他们得到他们想去的位置。

9.However, I have to admit that surely I would make some obvious mistakes which ia easy for you to discover.但我不得不承认我会犯些很明显的错误,这些你们将来会很容易发现的。

10.It ia said that this is Iran's "emotional" response to a poll two days ago, conducted by IAEA , a watchdog in the UN , to blame it .有人将伊朗的声明描述为对国际原子能机构(IAEA)两天前投票谴责德黑兰做出的“情绪化”回应。国际原子能机构是联合国的核监督机构。