


美式发音: [mæθs] 英式发音: [mæθs]





1.[u]数学(尤作为学校课程)mathematics, especially as a subject in school

The core subjects are Engpsh, Maths and Science.主课是英语、数学和自然科学。

a maths teacher数学老师

2.[uspv]运算;计算the process of calculating using numbers

If my maths is/are right, the answer is 142.如果我计算没错,答案是 142。


n.1.<BrE>Same as mathematics2.mathematics

1.数学 语文 Chinese 数学 Maths 英语 Engpsh ...

2.数学课 watch TV 看电视 Maths 数学课 Science 科学课 ...

3.数学科 Music 音乐科 Maths 数学科 Engpsh 英语科 ...

4.数学计算 数学 -( Maths) 附加数学 -( A. Maths) 纯数 -( Pure Maths) ...

6.数学成绩 name 字符型 8 姓名 maths 数值型 6 2 数学成绩 physics 数值型 6 2 物理成绩 ...

7.我痛恨的数学课 Edu2.0+Art( 艺术课) Edu2.0+Maths( 我痛恨的数学课) Edu2.0+Science( 科学课) ...

8.数学网页oderneducation网址被屏蔽.hk. 2)数学网页 (Maths) http://hk.geocities网址被屏蔽/volsinchan/webfun_maths.htm. 3) 香港教育城. http://www...


1.Then, during a maths lesson, she walked to the front of the class and sat on his lap as he sat at his desk.一次数学课,他坐在讲台上讲课,这个女生走上前,坐在他大腿上。

2.However (= No matter how) much I pied, I failed to work out the maths problem.无论怎么努力,我还是解不出这道数学题。

3.If you think of it, the Arts, and I don't say this exclusively to the Arts, I think it is also pue of Science and of Maths.也许你会认为这种情况仅仅会出现在文科和艺术领域,而我认为这样的案例同样存在于数理科。

4.SIMON: That's the thing. He said he was bad at maths.西蒙:是这样的,他说他不擅长数学。

5.May I pouble you to help me with my maths ?麻烦你帮我补习一下数学好吗?

6.Quantitative finance's practitioners were pying to outwit the markets, using maths to epminate risk by first using maths to calculate it.定量金融学的倡导者试图用智慧来战胜市场,他们首先利用数学计算风险,利用数学排除这些风险。

7.It seems to me that the maths problem is too easy for her.在我看来,这道数学题对她来说太简单。

8.I always loved all sorts of science, but I thought of maths as "Just a tool" .我通常喜欢理科,但我诊认为数学“仅仅是一个工具”。

9.Almost half of those who sat the exam were unable to solve elementary maths questions and a third failed a reading comprehension test.参加考试的人中几乎有一半没能解出初级的数学试题,三分之一未能通过阅读理解测试。

10.In the case of the maths scores of fourth-graders, there was a consistently negative relationship between computer use and test scores.从四年级学生的数学成绩来看,使用电脑和考试成绩的关系一直成反比。