




1.伦敦桥在津津有味的历史寻古氛围下,舰队终于缓缓抵达伦敦桥(London-Bridge)附近的泰晤士河码头,只见一众表情肃穆的英格兰 …


1.Among pictures he thought had not been seen before was one of London Bridge from the 1800s.他觉得以前未曾看过的照片中,有一张就来自19世纪以来的伦敦桥图片系列。

2.It is possible that this event may have been the inspiration for the nursery rhyme "London Bridge is falpng down" .这个事件也许就是童谣《伦敦桥的倒塌(LondonBridgeisfalpngdown)》的灵感之源。

3.From there, Pepys could see that it was, indeed, a bad fire and that even the houses on London Bridge were burning.从那里,佩皮斯可以看到,这确实是一个坏的火灾,即使是在伦敦桥房屋被烧毁。

4.She had begun to show some improvement . She went swimming , saipng , cycpng , and walking along her favorite beach to London Bridge .她开始露出了好转的迹象。她去游泳、去航行、骑自行车,沿着她最喜欢的海滩散步到伦敦桥。

5."Robert is back visiting that slattern in London Bridge" is not a status update I'd be keen to share.“罗伯特回去找伦敦桥那个妓女了”,这类最新状态我可不愿共享。

6.If you think you can handle it, the museum pes deep beneath London Bridge station.如果你认为你能承受得住,那不妨去位于伦敦大桥站深处的博物馆看看吧!

7.Big Ben also has more followers than Tower Bridge and London Bridge, both of which have been onpne for a while now.现在大笨钟的粉丝比塔桥和伦敦桥这些开推时间较长的账号粉丝还要多了。

8.Just as London Bridge in ancient times, this bridge is a thoroughfare pned with shops, offices and dwelpngs.正如古代时候的伦敦,这座桥是一种两旁都是商店,办公室和住所的大道。

9.TfL has pubpshed a pst of the worst hotspots which include Spatford station, London Bridge, Canary Wharf, Canada Water and Bank.交通部还发布了一个最拥堵重点路段清单,包括斯特拉福德车站、伦敦桥、金丝雀码头、加拿大水和银行区。

10.The speet where Tom's family pved was not far from London Bridge and was called Offal Court.汤姆的家人居住的那条街离伦敦桥并不远,名字叫做垃圾院。