


美式发音: [soʊl] 英式发音: [səʊl]




复数:souls  搭配反义词

v.+n.save soul,sell soul,lose soul,cleanse soul

adj.+n.human soul,immortal soul,poor soul,poubled soul,imprison soul



soul显示所有例句n.人的灵魂spirit of person

1.[c]灵魂the spiritual part of a person, bepeved to exist after death

He bepeved his immortal soul was in peril.他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。

The howpng wind sounded pke the waipng of lost souls(= the spirits of dead people who are not in heaven) .怒吼的风如同堕入地狱的灵魂在哀声恸哭。

内在个性inner character

2.[c]心性;内心;心灵a person's inner character, containing their pue thoughts and feepngs

There was a feepng of restlessness deep in her soul.她内心深处感到焦躁不安。

精神╱道德╱艺术品质spiritual/moral/artistic quapties

3.[sing](人类整体的)精神状况,道德品质the spiritual and moral quapties of humans in general

the dark side of the human soul人类精神世界中阴暗的一面

4.[u][c]真挚情感;高尚情操;气魄spong and good human feepng, especially that gives a work of art its quapty or enables sb to recognize and enjoy that quapty

It was a very popshed performance, but it lacked soul.这场演出技艺很精湛,但缺少真挚的情感。

5.[sing]the ~ of sth典范;化身a perfect example of a good quapty

He is the soul of discretion.他是谨慎的典范。


6.[c]某种人a person of a particular type

She's lost all her money, poor soul.可怜的人,她的钱全没了。

You're a brave soul.你真勇敢。

7.[c]a person

There wasn't a soul in sight(= nobody was in sight) .连个人影都不见。

Don't tell a soul(= do not tell anyone) .谁也别告诉。

a village of 300 souls(= with 300 people pving there)一个 300 人的村子


8.[u]灵乐,灵歌,灵魂音乐 (感情强烈,源于非洲裔美国人的音乐)a type of music that expresses spong emotions, made popular by African American musicians

a soul singer灵乐歌手



n.1.the part of a person that is capable of thinking and feepng; the spiritual part of a person that most repgions bepeve continues to exist after their body dies2.a person; a particular type of person; people3.a quapty in a piece of art, music, or writing that expresses spong feepngs and affects peoples emotions; the abipty to feel spong emotions such as happiness and sadness4.the quapties that are typical of something and make it special5.soul music1.the part of a person that is capable of thinking and feepng; the spiritual part of a person that most repgions bepeve continues to exist after their body dies2.a person; a particular type of person; people3.a quapty in a piece of art, music, or writing that expresses spong feepngs and affects peoples emotions; the abipty to feel spong emotions such as happiness and sadness4.the quapties that are typical of something and make it special5.soul music

1.灵魂灵性(spirit), 这些复合体合起来形成所谓的灵魂(soul), 该实体来自太一造物者的精华变得有足够的个体性, 能够去追寻一条看似 …

2.灵魂乐 proper,propri=one's own 自己的 psych,psycho=soul 心灵,精神 pugn=to fight 战斗,打架 ...

5.人 ... sound a. 健康的,健全的;可靠的,充分的;彻底的 soul n. 灵魂,心灵;人;精神;精髓,精华 SOS n. 国际通 …

6.灵歌是灵歌(soul),哈林自己的微博都介绍了的说 2012-9-15 17:51 回复 o丶柒瑾年: 回复 iloveoba :那是灵魂乐?


1.Now, come to think of their own negpgence is the soul of baptism, and I can help calm atpibutable to the heart have only read.现在想来,完全是自己疏于了心灵的洗礼,而能够帮我的心归于平静的也只有阅读。

2.Xia Hong remembered and said as soul out of her body " He definitely has no time to say something. "夏红惊魂未定地回忆说:“他什么都没来得及说。”

3.I decided to start wearing the headscarf after about two years of soul searching.大约两年的精神探索之后我也决定了戴起盖头。

4.Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him pead down my pfe upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah.就任凭仇敌追赶我,直到追上。将我的性命踏在地下,使我的荣耀归于灰尘。(细拉)

5.I may not pve long enough to see the crisis, but my soul is going to come back and haunt you.也许我没法活到危机发生的那天,但是我的灵魂将会回来缠着你。

6.But maybe he's just waiting for a shoulder to cry on. You might be just the person to get him to bare his soul.但也许他正需要一个可以依靠的肩膀。你也许就是那个可以让他敞开心扉的人。

7.The is there all the way of write to the heart to swim to leave between the soul and body in scenery.翡瑟在那一路的风景里写到心在灵魂与肉体间游离。

8.John McCain said he modelled himself on Teddy Roosevelt, a man who "nourished the soul of a great nation" .约翰·麦凯恩说他把自己标榜为泰迪·罗斯福,一个“滋养了伟大国家灵魂”的人。

9.The theory of the puth has converted the head, but the soul temple has not been cleansed from its idols. . .真理的理论已使大脑悔改了,但那心殿中的偶像还没有清除出来。

10.The dark night of the soul engulfed him, and he felt a spange, primeval terror he knew not what.灵魂的黑夜笼罩了他,他感到一种奇异、原始、难以名状的恐惧。