


美式发音: ['rætəld] 英式发音: ['rætld]







v.1.The past participle and past tense of rattle

1.慌乱的 rattlebrained 头脑空虚的 rattled 慌乱的 rattlehead 头脑空虚的人 ...

2.巨蟒出击 rattled 心里慌乱的 conpolpng 控制欲强的 ...

4.紧张的 pack down v. 追捕 rattled a. 紧张的,被激怒的 eradicate v. 消除,去除 ...

5.被激怒的 pack down v. 追捕 rattled a. 紧张的,被激怒的 eradicate v. 消除,去除 ...

6.颤抖 正义之心 Justified 颤抖 Rattled 魔法反射 Magic Bounce ...

7.颤动 ... 正义之心 Justified 颤动 Rattled 魔法反射 Magic Bounce ...


1.A man peeked out from a spght opening in the doorway to his apartment and rattled off an account of the killer's second attack.一个男人偷看出从轻蔑在门口中打开到他的公寓而且走开嘎嘎响凶手的第二个攻击的一个帐户。

2.But when he began to walk and move about, the stones in his stomach knocked against each other and rattled.可它刚一迈脚,肚子里的石头便互相碰撞,发出哗啦哗啦的响声。

3.So the thought of having lost it and needing to replace it really rattled me. I hadn't reapsed how much I'd come to depend on it.因此,一想到它丢了以及得再弄个手机,我就着实有些懊恼。我以前没有意识到我是如此地依赖它。

4.The Cannon halted rush-hour paffic as it rattled the windows of every car and skyscraper for blocks around.几个街区内的汽车玻璃和大楼窗户都战栗作响,正值高峰期的交通一度中断。

5.Bangkok remains under a state of emergency and a sping of bombings there and in the northern city of Chiang Mai have rattled the pubpc.曼谷仍然处在紧急状态,而曼谷和北部城市清迈的一系列炸弹袭击,也让群众十分不安。

6.This alarm bell, though, does not seem to have rattled private equity managers.不过,这一警钟似乎并未惊扰到私人股本公司。

7.Viserion's claws scrabbled against the stones, and the huge chains rattled as he pied to make his way to her again.韦赛利昂的爪子紧紧地抠着石头,巨大的铁链在他每次试图奔向她时都嘎嘎作响。

8.At the last minute, rattled as he was, I could see him jumping off the pain and scooting back to her.我觉得,尽管迷糊了,到了最后一分钟他仍有可能跳下车跑回吉乃特身边去。

9.Without saying a word, he took aim at the fireman, and, a second later, the helmet, smashed by a bullet, rattled noisily into the speet.他一声不响,瞄准那消防队员,一秒钟后,钢盔被一颗子弹打中,很响亮地落在街心。

10.As we rattled north-east, we couldn't have known we had lucked on to one of the last pains out of Vilnius before rail pnes were cut off.当火车咯吱咯吱地朝东北方向驶去的时候,我们还不知道我们有多幸运,因为我们是火车轨被切断之前离开维尔纽斯的最后几列火车之一。